Chapter 2

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(Updated wattpad again?!?least I don't have to hold and drag on letters to make bold or italics anymore...)
[Cover photo: Discovery's Cryolophosaurus (I think)]

SilverFlame POV
-time skip -

I stayed hidden in the undergrowth, watching the herd in front of my hiding spot, blinking dust out of my eyes. This small-ish form should be able to take on a full grown adult warthog.
One came snorting over by the one I was hidden behind, snuffling around for ... Whatever it is these things eat. I leaped out of the bush landing squarely on it's back, digging in all my claws and biting at it's neck. It squealed and started bucking around trying to throw me off, and I clamped my jaws tighter around it's throat, cutting off its air, causing it to slump to the ground, dead.
As I stood over it looking at it, something went whistling over my head, thudding against a tree. Momentarily confused I turned and looked at what it was and it was a rock.
I turned around eyes widening as something or someone came crashing toward me with a half yell half scream, tossing an even larger stone which bounced off my side with a thunk.
Now angered by this person, I screeched loudly, which succeeded in making it toss a very sharp small instrument at me (had I looked closer at it when it hit the ground I would have recognized it and the person ) , and shifted with a snarl shooting flames towards it, and it leaped back with a squeak of surprise as the flames nearly missed it.
"Stop! I - didn't know it was you!" He screamed when I knocked him to the ground with my tail and slammed my paw down splaying the claws and keeping him pinned to the ground. I haven't said one word to him ever since... So it's been mostly him talking.. One-way conversation .. Fear if him not trusting me and leaving has kept my jaws shut from talking..
Leaning my head down towards him I snorted, smoke causing him to start coughing before, I released him and turned and faced the other way, hunger forgotten. There goes that surprise... I thought.
I heard him get up with a slight groan. "You can't still be mad at me.." He said, as I heard him pick up his "pocket knife" from the ground. I heard it click shut, and shuddered. Whoever invented those needs to find a way to make them open and shut quieter.
He made up a "human word" for my name in case we ever go to a human settlement for anything like "clothes " cause these "new" ones he stole awhile back ain't gonna last much longer. "Hunter" how fitting, since I'm the One that does the hunting. That little "pocket knife" and rocks ain't gonna do much.
"As much as it pains me to say this, Hunter, you've been acting like an overgrown hatchling lately. Grow up."
He trekked off to possibly look for firewood, his "paws" trampling the undergrowth. I glared at the tree I was nose-to-trunk with, and snapped my jaws forwards and ripped it from the ground with a massive shake, dirt and broken wood pieces flinging everywhere. The tree gave a sharp CRACK! Splitting in half. Firewood. I thought, snorting. I heard him return, his arms full of sticks. "Oh that's really mature, Hunter." He said, dropping what he was carrying. Felyx stood beside the remains of the tree. "And what do you call that act of behavior?" He stated, glancing up at me. I just stared at him, not responding. "You know what? just forget I said anything. Can you light that for me?" He asked turning and starting to cut up strips of meat, and sticking them on certain sticks. I inhaled, releasing flames on the tree, which roared, crackling loudly. I lay down, curling up and covering my head with my wings. I heard what sounded like a small growl come form Felyx. "You haven't eaten for a whole month. You're going to die, if you don't try to eat." I heard him dragging the rest of the corpse towards me. "I even saved you all the vital organs" He proclaimed. I gave a slight growl. "No, I'm not the one in need of them, you are." He snapped. I lifted my wings partially to look at him, and he stood there arms crossed across his chest. I wrapped the corpse in my tail and shoved it away from me, before laying my head on the other side and covering up again with a huff. "Silverflame! How do you think your dad would feel if he saw you now?" He asked. Like he would care. I thought, pretending to be asleep.
"He risked his own life for you, when he blew that.. That thing out of you!" He shouted, pounding his fists into my side. He let out a squeak of surprise when I wrapped him in my tail and dropped him a tail length away from me. "Silverflame!"  He shouted, running back and slamming into my side. "Get up and eat, now!" He yelled. I still didn't move. He leaned against me panting. Suddenly he went stiff as a board. I heard metal scrape on metal. "S-Silverflame..." He barely whispered. "Hey! Did that dragon capture you, son?" An all too familiar childhood voice said. I expected a fiery outburst from Felyx, and all I got was a barely whispered response. "Silverflame..."
"Or.. I know did you kill it?" He asked, a greedy glint in his voice.
I know you! I thought, slowly "waking" up. I dug my claws into the ground, and raised my head with teeth bared and a loud hissing growl erupting from within as my eyes fixed on the unmistakable blond head of Uncle Mirmulnire and his "soldiers".
His men dropped there weapons, which clattered to the ground, and started slowly backing away as if to say: we are NOT with him.
Mirmulnire's eyes widened in surprise. He swallowed and quite shakily said, "do I know you from somewhere?" As he stared at me. This time, Felyx kept his jaws clamped firmly shut, and slumped against me sliding to the ground. My uncle sneered. "I think your captive just fainted." He said. I turned and lowered my head slightly and stared at him. He certainly looked far more peaceful then he sounded a few moments ago. My head snapped up as Uncle charged towards me sword raised, And my head slammed into him, throwing him ten feet away and smashing a tree. His sword shot the other direction and stuck to another tree, quivering slightly.
  [stop laughing stop laughing.. I give up]
I snorted in laughter, watching him pick himself up off the ground. "Oh you think this is funny do you, Dragon?" He said, standing and glaring at me. "Fight me, and if you win you keep your captive. But if  I win, I'm taking your captive. Deal?"
I turned my head and grabbing Felyx by the shirt, lifted him off the ground and placed in a very tall tree near the top. He woke up with a shriek of surprise and clung to the trunk of the tree. "S-Sil---! What are you doing?!?" He shrieked. Obviously moving you out of danger. What's it look like I'm doing? I thought, dropping back down on all fours. I growled, glaring down at my uncle. Deal.
He grinned, stripping off his armor and leaving the underclothes on. I already knew what was going on, Felyx didn't. I heard him gasp in surprise as my uncle shifted into his golden dragon form, towering over me. Go figure. "No I will not let this happen again! Stop! " Felyx shouted. "What do you mean 'again' ?" Uncle Mirmulnire growled at me. I snapped my jaws an inch from his face. "None of your damn business, bitch." I growled back, knowing Felyx understood nothing of what we were just saying.
I felt something light land on my head, gripping tightly to my spikes. "Well hello, Captive." My uncle growled.  "Shut up!" I hissed back. "Ooh, defensive are we?" He hissed back. "I said, shut up ." I growled. I snorted when Felyx punched my outer eyelid. "Quiet both if you!" He shouted. He glared at my uncle. "If you would so kindly shift back to human form, and explain who the fuck you are, please and thank you. " he said sarcastically. My uncle growled, clearly feeling the same way before speaking in the Old Language. "I am Mirmulnire, Son of Tristyn, Brother of Tylorenzo, Uncle to a deceased nephew by the name of Silverflame, a niece whom I care not to know the name of, though I hear she's the only surviving of Tylorenzo's hatchlings."
Felyx about fell off me, laughing his head off. "What's so funny?" My uncle growled. "You think -gasp for air- SilverFlame's dead?" Felyx snorted. [inwards face-to-the-claw] you idiot...  That statement caused my uncle to glance over me again. Thanks a lot, Felyx. I thought, as Mirmulnire's eyes widened in recognition. "Ah, Silverflame. How very... Pleasant to see you." He sneered.

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