Chapter 13

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U2 This is Where You Can Reach Me Now
The photo is me and my sis fighting in kik. And this update is so late it's not even funny. Now I'm behind, what, TWO Sundays!!? (Oh what's that?? That's sound of angry commenting underneath this chapter! [lol hope not... ])
Chapter 13
"He KILLED The Ruler?!?"
We settled in nicely. Someone finally had brought me something to wear, albeit the pants were too tight and were squeezing my... Nether regions to high Heaven. Then they paraded us to the village center, offering us everything they could offer that was expensive then took us to the large "house" that is for the leader.

A day later, me and Felyx were investigating the shops (really just looking around walking from one to the next) when he shrieked and ran into a shoe store. Really? I thought, following him slowly. The sharp scent of new and polished shoes stinging my nostrils making me feel light headed.

Time I caught up to him, he had just about an entire shelf emptied, Jor-dans, which he pronounced differently, seeing as he was raised human, and I wasn't. Seeing me, he picked up ALL the boxes and handed me them. "Do you really need-" I started. "Yes, I do." He replied, marching up to the front desk acting like he owned the place. What are the point of these things?!? I thought. Sighing inwardly, I followed him to find the salesclerk arguing over something with Felyx, but soon as he spotted me his face blanked. "Oh- uh.. Leader.. " he stuttered, suddenly realizing who Felyx was. I growled, dropping the boxes on the counter and jumping over the counter and jerking him up by the shirt so we were eye to eye. "You knew damn well who he was, you just were hoping to get something from him. " I growled, glaring at him. Turning, I pointed to another salesclerk, who looked extremely like he was going to piss his pants. "You're in charge from now on." I said pointing to him. He gulped, nodding. "You on the other hand.." I said, ripping the manager pin from his shirt. "...Are fired. Get out, and don't ever let me see you in this village ever again. Exile!" I yelled, tossing him up over the counter into a shoe display, knocking it over as he slammed into it with a strangled yelp. Grabbing Felyx's shoes, which were now put in bags by the newly appointed manager, I stalked past him as he was getting up, knocking him back down. "Have a nice day." I added to him, with a devilish gleam in my eyes. Felyx followed me out, biting his lower lip to keep from laughing. "Where to next?" I asked, already feeling weighed down by all the shoes. Glancing down the walk he noticed a colorful sign, and nearly broke my ears off with a loud shriek. "A candy store!" And took off running leaving me to follow.

Entering the candy store, I seen Felyx already having this giant pile of all assortments of candy stacking up on the accountant's (what the heck are those things called..?) counter. It is a good thing the leader gets everything for free... I thought, as Felyx came back with another load of candy in his arms. How is he going to eat all this without being sick? I thought, just as Felyx grabbed the bags from the counter, looking like he just won  the lottery.

We returned to the house, and I quickly set the candy down on the coffee table. Turning to Silverflame, I grabbed the shoe bags and dashed down to the master bedroom. My newly acquired senses told me he was examining the bags I had set down. Removing them from the bags I neatly arranged them in the closet, before sliding my feet out of the ones I was wearing. I trudged back to the living room, the soft carpet felt great on my toes. He was eyeing a Hershey bar suspiciously. "Why don't you try it?" I asked, sitting on the sofa crossing my legs. He half shrugged, very slowly opening the wrapper as if a poisonous snake were gonna come flying out at him. Satisfied it wasn't poisonous he broke a pict (and yes I think that's what they're called.. At least that's how I hear it in the commercials) off just as I had opened a Kit Kat bar. Instead of breaking a piece off, he literally shoved the entire thing into his mouth, crunching slowly. (It was king-sized almond one) And here it comes... I thought, watching his eyes glaze over after he swallowed it. Very low tolerance for sugar.. Thank you father-in-law. I thought. My jaw dropped the second he started tearing into every single bag and ripping open every candy he could get his hands on. My Kit Kat dropped to the floor as different candy bags, now empty, went flying in every direction. My Kit Kat, (O MAH GAHD I can't stop laughing, the horror!) was snatched up from the floor and shoved into his mouth with all the candy already being ground to powder by his teeth. He swallowed, then looked around hoping for more, and I burst out laughing in hysterics at the look of pain at realizing it's all gone. "I want more!" He yelled, scooping up all the bags in the hopes of finding more in them. "Sorry Silverflame. You literally ate all the candy we had." I exclaimed, coming over to him, and sitting down next to him. [my memory is terrible, hence the reason why it's not going the way we role-played .. 😭]

Another sugar rush. That candy was gone faster then I hoped, and it wasn't even mine. Oops.. Oh wells we'll get more tomorrow. I felt rather then saw him sit down next to me. Something stumbled through the door and scrambled towards us, causing Felyx to scream in surprise, before I found myself flat on my back with three nearly grown dragonlings on top of me. "Not you again.. Go away, leave me alone.." I slurred out, not really in control of what I was saying. All three if then snorted in amusement, supposedly thinking I was drunk. "BOYS!" I heard my aunt's voice coming from the doorway. Who's that now?!? I thought forgetting I had an aunt. I heard her freeze in the doorway, gasping at the sight of the trashed up living room. "Sugar rush... As I suppose.. " she muttered. "Your dad was never good for you to enjoy candy early..." Her voice turned sharp again. "Get off your uncle NOW!" Grunting in disapproval they clambered off me. They dashed back out the house. "I'm sorry. Without there father they really got out of hand.. " she apologized, as Felyx helped me stand back up. "Who's that?!?" I slurred, staggering slightly forward with only Felyx keeping me from falling. "That's your aunt, Silverflame."  He explained. Suddenly the world grew darker as I passed out, slumping to the ground partially...

I woke up a day later with a killer headache. Stumbling out of the bed, wondering how in the world I got there to begin with, I headed for the master bathroom connected to the bedroom. I opened the med cabinet and shoved an Excedrin thing that said "relief in 15 minutes " on the bottle, into my mouth and chewed it, immediately being greeted with a horrible taste in my mouth causing me to gag. "Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn..." I groaned turning the water faucet on full blast and gulping down the water to wash it down. After that I wandered into the living room to find a note on the coffee table. Grabbing it, I read:
Sorry didn't wake you, but your aunt offered to give me a tour to familiarize with the village. See you later, love you.
-Felyx ❤️

I dropped it with a grunt, before strolling over to the large two doored cooling  device in the kitchen and jerking both sides open, finding it stocked full of drinks and food. The stuff in the left side was completely frozen, so I shut it. Grabbing a bottle out of the fridge labeled Redd's Apple Ale, I opened it gulping the whole thing down. I walked out of the house, and wandered around suddenly finding myself back to the clearing. Why am I here? I thought, just as a large shining shape hurtled downwards and landed in the clearing in front of me. Screwing my eyes shut against the glare, since the sun was shining down on it making it ten times brighter, I shielded my eyes in time to recognize exactly who was standing in front of me. I heard loud gasps, quickly telling me everyone had come running from the village, among those was the horrified shriek of my aunt, just as I felt Felyx grab my hand squeezing it hard. My uncle was not this huge last time I saw him! I thought, craning my head to see him glaring down at me. Wait, I if my uncle was this huge... No, it can't be true.. He KILLED the Ruler?!?

Guess what? My headache just got a million times worse...

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