Chapter 9

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-T-I-M-E-S-K-I-P- (a few days later)
We have been walking this path for what feels like months. As much as I insisted he just carry me and fly, he refused. "You need to get used to walking again." Is what he said. Now when we go into human settlements, I have to be his pet. In one city, called Port Ridge City ( I made that up, but if there's a real one... Oh wells) he had purchased a thing called a collar and actually had me where it.
Where'd he get the money you ask? He stole it from those hunters he mentioned before.
"Next time you're wearing the collar." I growled, following him into a shoe store.
I look forward to it. He replied, ambling down a random aisle.
"Can I help you, sir?" A stout woman asked, coming up from behind the counter. Her perfume caused me to sneeze rather loudly. "Oh my! I-I'm afraid, sir, this is a pet f-free facility." She stuttered, her eyes lighting in fear at the sight of me. Felyx looked up from the pair of shoes he was examining with a weird swoosh on the side. "Sorry, Silver. You have to wait outside." He told me, smirking. I glared at him, before Turning and padding back out. I lay down on the warm cement and waited what seemed like hours before he appeared, wearing a new pair of shoes. He twirled once to show me them from all sides. "What do you think?" He asked me, earning a few stares from passerbys. They shook there heads obviously thinking something was wrong with him, asking his pet for an opinion.
They were red, but the laces and the symbol on them were silver. "These Nikes were fifty percent off for new customers." He added. (Too bad real shoe stores aren't that way.. 😞) "great! Now can we go get something to eat? I'm starving!" I barked, swaying my tail slightly to make the people around us think I was actually agreeing with him.
Fine. He replied.
We started walking down the road towards the market area, where people were bustling back and forth, and vendors were shouting different things.
"Get your fresh produce! As ripe as the day they were picked!"
"Fresh meat for sale! All caught from the wilds outside those gates!"
"Pretty trinkets for your fine lady! Fair prices!"
"Scarves, hats, gloves, mittens! Start preparing for the long cold winters now!"
"If you need protection or want to deal some damage to your foes, buy here we have them all!"
We were stopped by some dude wearing a doomsday sign thing. "The end is near! The skies have foretold! They will return and slaughter us all!" He shouted, his hair all affray, and his eyes wide.
"They will burn our villages and make off with our daughters and sons!" He shouted. He pulled Felyx closer, his gaze burning into his eyes. "Best prepare yourselves, boy. Them dragons could take you at any time." He warned, releasing Felyx and sauntering off continuing his shouting.
"None of the Nine Divines will be able to save us!" He shouted.
"If he only knew.." I huffed, following Felyx towards a stall that had hard looking food on it that was all sorts of colors.
"Two please." Felyx said pointing at a spiral shaped thing on a stick.
"That'll be seven pounds." The keeper said, his eyes gleaming, obviously taking advantage of Felyx. Felyx seemed unfazed by it and handed him the money, before taking the sticks from him.
"You just let him run over you like that?" I growled. "Yes, but what he didn't realize..." He held up the shopkeepers bag of money. "Was his money being taken from him."
He sat down on a chair. "Try this." He told me holding up one of the stick things. "That's not food, that's a stick." I growled. "You expect a stick to feed me and hold me off?"
There was a slight popping noise as he pulled his out of his mouth. "It's a cotton candy flavored sucker. Just try it." He said, sounding exasperated.
I rolled my eyes best as I could, and cracked down on it, hearing it break, and shards of it plinking to the ground. [omg my dog just snorted in her sleep and scared the heck out of me]
The taste exploded in my mouth, and I started hastily finishing it off and looked up at Felyx, who was staring at me looking surprised at how fast it vanished. I felt a rush of adrenalin or whatever, and zeroed in on his sucker. "More!" I whined, rearing up and attempting to snatch it out of his hands. He lifted it higher. "Mine!" He yelled, attempting to throw me off. "Obviously you've never had sweets because now you're having a sugar rush!" He squealed, just as I leaped up again my jaws snapping just below his hand. "Fine if you won't share, I'll find my own!" I growled, turning and dashing back into the crowd, vanishing from his sight. "Silver!" He shouted, probably trying to catch me.
I made my way back to the stall, surprised to see the owner gone. I leaped up, knocking over the glass display and it shattered, it's contents getting mixed with glass shards. There was loud screams as people stopped and looked at me, wolfing down the candy, glass and all. I was so absorbed in eating that I didn't notice the moose around my neck til it pulled me back. I growled, and twisted around trying to attack the person holding me only to find the noose was attached to a long pole that kept me far from the person holding it.
"That ain't no ordinary dog, no sirree, that be a wolf." I heard him say. It pulled the noose tighter around my throat. "Come along, Wolfy. Off to the zoo with you." He said, trying to pull me after it.
"WHAT?!?" I heard the shopkeeper yell when he returned. "M-My stall!!!" He yelled, his face turning a dark red. "I demand that thing be put down for ruining my stall!" He started wringing his hands around his apron.
"Now, Horace, I'm sure he just somehow escaped from the local zoo, so take it up with them." The catcher stated.
"No, it has a collar on. It belongs to someone, not the fucking zoo! Put it out of its misery!" The so-called Horace yelled.
"Why don't you shut your damn fat mouth?" I snarled, attempting to lunge at him, but was choked back by the stick thing.
I heard Felyx approach from behind and turned towards him. Horace spotted him as well.
"You! You brought that stupid god damn excuse for a dog here, you owe me!" He shouted, pointing one of his fingers at Felyx. I was hungry and at the moment I imagined his finger being a sausage and my mouth started watering. I began lunging repeatedly for him, and being jerked back by the pole each time, choking and panting.
The pole dropped suddenly as screams erupted.
The doomsday person we had run into earlier took his cue to shout "It's happening, the dragons are coming! Save yourselves!"
Horace's face paled, as he grabbed what little he had left and made a run for it. I would have went after him, if the ground hadn't shook and someone's claws hadn't closed over my torso.
"I've got you now, Silverflame. Still stuck in wolf form, I see. This will be easy." Mirmulnire hissed.
"Put him down, you overgrown lizard!" Felyx shouted, not wanting to give himself away, as being a dragon.
"No. I will finally take what's rightfully mine, Princess." He growled, surging upward and flying away as fast as he could.
FELYX! I howled through the mind-link just before I blacked out and lost connection.
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5KY[R1M]DR4G0N 😈😝😘😂🐉🐲

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