Chapter 8

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[centuries by fall out boy(I think..??), also a Doctor Who fan video (sorry..) ]
Something under me jolted as it went over a stone or something. The thing pulling it was breathing hard, it's hooves clopping noisily over the ground at a trot. I groaned, half raising my head and cracked my eyes open. What the-? I thought, as my vision cleared. I rotated my head slightly, and realized I was strapped securely into a cart, on top of some clothes covering what felt like straw. I turned and looked at the horse, not recognizing the "driver" at first. I struggled attempting to break the straps, since I'm going to be stuck in this form for a few weeks. My struggles were to know avail. Whoever strapped me has no intention of me escaping. "Let me go." I huffed, feeling the cart jolt to a stop. The horse snorted, it's tail whisking side to side to ward off the flies. "Why are we stopping, horse? Move!" The un mistake able voice of Felyx reached my ears. "I believe your passenger just ordered me to let it go." It whinnied. There was a sharp intake of air, just as I heard Felyx slide off the horse and come dashing to the side of the cart. "You're awake!" He shouted, causing me to flatten my ears. "Lower your volume!" I growled. "Sorry." He replied, pulling the straps off. I groaned, sitting up as the world started spinning around me. My fur probably looked ridiculous. I opened my eyes and focused on Felyx. "Where did you get those clothes?" I snarled, some unknown male's scent covering them. "Well... There was some hunters camped near a lake, and I snuck into there camp while they were passed out." He explained. I leaped out of the cart, stumbling slightly after being motionless for who knows how long.
"You should really get back in --" he started. "No!" I snapped, leaping towards him sending us both to the ground plastering my scent into him, by rolling slightly. I stood up off of him an shook out my fur, before heading towards the underbrush to relieve myself.
He groaned slightly, lifting himself off the ground.
Something winged past me and into the underbrush.
I turned hackles raised, as more crossbow bolts starting coming for me, followed by shouts.
"Come on, it's our biggest one yet!" One of them shouted. I peeled my lips back with a snarl, before leaping over the bushes and hurtling back to the cart and Felyx. "Move!" I barked, leaping into the cart. Felyx hoisted up onto the horse shouting at the horse. The horse jolted forward, screaming as one of the bolts sunk into it's left flank. "Fuck!" I heard Felyx shout. "After them! It's the horse thief!" I heard one of them shout. I turned and saw them charging after on horses need for long distance hunts. "Don't shoot the wolf, Boss wants it for something!" There leader shouted. Our horse stumbled with a scream as more bolts thunked into it's sides, causing it to fall to the ground unable to get up. "Shit..." Felyx muttered, rolling back up to his feet. The horses and there riders closing in on us.
"Freeze! You're under arrest!" The leader shouted. "I don't think so." Felyx said, running towards them and leaping into the air, shifting midair, and soaring upwards, before turning and diving down shooting flames at them in small bursts seeing as he hadn't quite reached full dragon size.
There horses reared , throwing there riders to the ground as they scrambled to get away from the flames. One of them managed to roll towards me , attempting to throw a net around me, but misjudged his distance and the net dropped around one of his comrades, just as flames rained down on his conrade. There was loud screams as the one netted started burning and thrashing around. I growled and leaped snapping my jaws onto the other mans arm, and jerking my head sided to side, as he screamed and started punching my head.
The ground shook as Felyx landed, and swiped his tail knocking the leader to the ground just as he aimed at me to shoot. My shaking had displaced the mans joint out of place, and he clutched at his shoulder whimpering. I released him, leaping up shoving him with my front paws into one of the fires. He screamed, falling backwards as the fire consumed him. Felyx's claws clamped onto the leader, trapping him. "Now you listen here. You turn yourself back around and go back the way you came and tell your boss to leave us the fuck alone." He hissed. "O-okay!" The man screamed. Felyx released him with a growl, and the man scrambled to his feet, and ran.
I couldn't help it anymore. I howled in laughter.

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5KY[R1M]DR4G0N 😈😝😘😂🐉🐲

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