Chapter 14

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WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!? And his wolf matched Felyx's dragon color!!!
Chapter 14
"This can not be happening!"
Well fuck... I thought as he towered over me. I heard my aunt fall over, probably fainted... "So, we meet again." His voice now deeper. "You thought your little 'bring out the Ruler' card would work. Well, guess what Silverflame, IT DIDNT WORK! He was old, it was his time to die." He chuckled.

Why me?!?

The thought blazed across my mind, my headache itself intensified, again.

"My first act as Ruler is to kill you and your mate." He said triumphantly.


"I won't let you." I growled, standing in front of Felyx. His eyes were half shut, signaling that he was supposed to be hibernating something I could hopefully use against him.

"Oh? And how are you going to stop me? I AM triple your size!" He swiped his tail, knocking over a few of the others gathered around.

"Leave them out of this!" I growled, leaping towards his throat, shifting to dragon form mid leap. He reared up, batting me off to the side with his left foot, sending me crashing into a pavilion.

A well aimed tail slam smashing into me a few seconds later.

" You're pathetic." He hissed, pulling his tail back to try and hit me again. I tucked my wings tightly to my back and rolled, and heard his tail hit where I was just at, smashing the pavilion into smithereens.

I pounced, biting close to the end of his tail, only realizing it was a very bad mistake as his tail was now flipped into the air slamming me to the ground.

"Killing you will be easy." He hissed, bringing his jaws within biting range.

I squeezed my eyes shut tight, waiting for his jaws to snap me in half, but instead there was a rush of wind and a shriek. I opened my eyes to see my aunt in his jaws screeching in immense pain as her bones were broken into pieces, his eyes showing absolutely no emotion towards her whatsoever.

NO! I mentally screamed as she went limp, the light in her eyes fading. He dropped her lifeless form to the ground. "Stupid woman." He snarled, momentarily distracted. Seizing the chance, I leapt up shooting flames into his blood stained open jaws, hearing him choke as the flames burned down his throat. I flew out of range, hearing him roar in fury, and heard a loud "thunder clap" as his wings snapped open and he leaped after me, his jaws snapping shut an inch from my tail.

I heard a high pitched noise as a bolt of golden light sheared past me, the air around it crackling. "Now you will surely die!" I heard him roar, his wings straining to keep his massive bulk in the air.

I tilted my wings, turning in a half circle keeping out of his range.

Another maneuver gone wrong! I was suddenly knocked out of the sky by his tail. How he had managed to do that was beyond me. My head was reeling, and I felt myself crashing through the trees before hitting the ground. I heard him flatten a few acres of trees to land near me, and heard the villagers gather at a safe distance to watch.

"Silverflame, I've decided to do something else. I hereby exile you, but I'm keeping your mate, Felyx, with me here. If you ever come here ever again I will not hesitate to kill you." I heard his voice say. The only response I gave was a low growl as I slowly rolled over to stand up. My eyes now turned scanning the faces of the villagers, who now looked unwelcoming towards me. Instead of switching to basic English, I snarled disapprovingly.

Where was my support when I needed it?!?

The crowd parted, as a dozen or so soldiers dragged Felyx towards Mirmulnire, who's eyes gleamed in triumph. "You are now once again my prisoner, thus making you my property." He announced.

I barred my teeth in anger, and charged towards them with a hiss, but skidded to a halt as the soldiers charged at me with their weapons drawn, points aimed at my chest.

"Silverflame, just go!" I heard Felyx choke out, tears streaming down his face.

I felt both my hearts brake in two. I heard Mirmulnire laughing. "Even your own mate rejects you!"

I dug my claws into the ground, before leaping upwards and flailing my wings out and leaving them behind, heading in the general direction of MY lair. Everything became blurry, as I realized I was crying, possibly leaving a trail, but not caring at the moment.

Crying only gave way to anger and the need to destroy something. I soon came across the village where the candy shop owner who had wanted me killed lives.

My eyes soon located his stall, and I swooped down, lighting it ablaze. There were screams, as people started running at the sight of me, and I soon saw my target go running across the square shrieking about how first a wolf destroys his stall, and now a frigging dragon has destroyed EVERYTHING.

He turned to shout something up at me, only to scream as I landed right behind him, and grabbed him in my jaws, giving a massive shake of my head, before flinging him into a jewelry stall, and hearing it smash into smithereens, as necklaces, earrings, pendants, and such went flying in all directions.

I leaped up just as a string of arrows thunked into the spot where I was just at. Turning my head backwards I loosed flames at the wall, watching the archers leap off the wall to escape the fire, before grabbing the candy guy by his shirt in my jaws and flying away with him screaming profanities at me.

I flew for days finally finding a stream, and landed dropping him into the water. He woke with a start, sputtering. "Why did you do that, you frigging overgrown lizard?!? You ruined everything!" He shouted, stepping out of the water and wringing his clothes. "If I had a sword, I would kill you right now!" He yelled.

I decided to play as if I couldnt speak English, and ignored him, lowering my muzzle to the water and gulping down gallons of it.

He tried to run off, but I knocked him to the ground with a swipe of my tail. He clutched his head and moaned. There was a flash of silver in the water, and I snapped at it, pulling out a rather small looking trout. Yep, definitely not near dragon territory. I turned and dropped it, still alive, in his lap. He shrieked, slapping it out of his lap. "I refuse to eat something that is alive and raw! You may be used to it, but I'm not!"

I growled, turning and shooting flames at the trout, charring the stony ground it was on. I dropped a now cooked trout in his lap again with a hiss. Grumbling, he pulled out a pocket knife and began scratching the scales off of it. "Would it have killed you to clean it first?" I heard him mumble.

Well since you have one of those human claw things, you're on your own. I thought, snapping my wings out and leaping to the sky. "Where do you think you're going?? You can't just abandon me out here!" He screamed up at me. I blocked the noise out, and flew following the river upstream til I found the waterfall and pool marking my lair entrance.

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