chapter 35

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My  eyes are suddenly squinting up at an unfamiliar ceiling through the  terrible pounding of what must be the worst headache I've ever  experienced. I move to sit up but am stopped by a gentle hand on my  chest and what I realize is a tiny tube that is connected to the back of  my right hand by an iv when I bring it close to my face to inspect it.

"What  the fuck?" I rasp and then wince because not only does speaking cause  my head to hurt even worse, but my throat aches with thirst too, as if  I've been asleep for a while.

"Just relax Justin..." the voice that I now understand is my mom's soothes.

I work to slide into a sitting position once again and then dad's voice is there as well "Seriously kid...lay back."

My  eyes are slowly beginning to focus, but the edges of my vision are  strangely blurred and cloudy as I take in both of their faces, which are  full of worry as they lean over the bed I'm laying on.

It  all comes back in an instant...I was with B, holding her hand, waiting  for her to wake up and wondering if she ever would and now...

"What's  happening with B?" I gasp in a scratchy voice that barely sounds like  my own as I push my mom's hand away as gently as I can through my panic.  "I gotta get up..."

I'm completely unconcerned with how I wound up in a hospital bed now, I just need to get out of it and get to her.

"Hey!  Don't do that!" My dad rushes forward and struggles to stop me as I  begin yanking monitors off. "Just wait a damn minute and I'll get a  nurse..."

"No!"  I snap back, matching his frantic tone "I've got to get up...and why  aren't you saying anything about B? I asked you what was happening with  her but you won't answer me..." I come to the crushing decision that she's  gone. That's why they won't tell me. She's dead.

And  maybe I already know and just can't remember...maybe that's why I'm here  in this fucking bed instead of beside her where I belong. Did I pass out  because knowing was too much for me to take?

Horrible  pain rips through my chest as my sorrow becomes actual physical pain  that is unbearable, and before either of them can stop me I've torn the  iv from my hand, because I've got to see her, but what if they've  already taken her away?

"Jesus  Justin!" Dad yells while mom lets out a little screech of surprise and  begins to cry "Go get the damn nurse Pattie!" She scurries off in my  peripheral vision as he shoves me back down carefully.

"What  happened?" I sob, squeezing my eyes closed, willing everything to go  back to the way it was before the club even though I know it's  impossible.

"You  hit your head pretty hard," he answers, picking up my hand to evaluate  any damage I may had done when I pulled the iv out "Do you remember  anything that happened? The club? Leaving the club? Megan?"

"Of course I fucking remember!" I snap, ripping my shaking hand away from his "Why won't you tell me what's going on with b?"

"She's alright..." he promises "A little shaken, not to point out the obvious, but she's alright."

Hope floods through me, but my panic barely diminishes "She's awake?"

He gives me the strangest look, a look I can't decipher "Uh, yeah..." he nods uncertainly "Of course she's awake."

"Are you lying to me?" I urge aggressively "Don't fucking lie to me dad...I need to know. I don't want to know, but I need to."

"Why wouldn't she be awake?" he asks, managing to sound convincingly confused.

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