Chapter 7

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Blake's POV

He smells so damn good. I don't want to let go, but we would look pretty odd walking into a restaurant with my face buried in his chest. Plus it would be pretty hard for him to drive with me in his lap. The thought made me laugh out loud. He just raised his eyebrow at me and gave me a confused look. I tied to play it off but he wasn't having it. "That laugh was about somethin, so spill it." He demanded playfully letting his hands rest on my hips. When I shook my head no again, he squeazed and tickled my hips making me squeal and jump like a jack rabbit.
Trying to wiggle away was useless after he spun me and slipped his fingers in my front belt loops. That allowed him access to the back and sides of my neck and him running his beard and chin all over them was making me laugh so hard I could bearly breath. "This... Isn't.... Fairrrrr ahhh quit it B." I managed between gasps. "Never said it was darlin." He said in a slightly gruff tone that made my knees week again. I didn't need to see his face to know he was grinning. "But you know what ya gotta tell me to make me quit. Plus I don't think you wanna get away from me, or you would have stomped on my foot or somethin by now." He joked in a very matter of fact tone. "Promise you'll stop?" I asked in my best pathetic voice hoping to gain sympathy. "Cross my heart little rabbit." B told me as he spun me back around to face him.
Well here goes. No point in fighting the blush I can already feel starting. "I laughed because I was thinking about how good you smell and that I didn't want to let go, but we would look awful odd walking in some place like this." I explained as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Have to admit this is pretty cozy. So if this is what ya want we could just order pizza and watch a movie." B offered trying to please me. "Can I be high maintenance and have both?" I asked with a grin. B put on a playful look and ran his fingers through his beard like he was trying to solve some huge problem. "Sounds to me like there's more to this you've not asked yet..." He trailed off waiting on my answer. "Well ya. I want dinner out, I don't care where we go, a move back here so we can cuddle back up, and I wanna drive..."
At first he didn't catch what I was saying. Then I could see it click as he caught my meaning. I want to drive his truck. "Please." I said soft and sweet trying to mimic Addy since he always gives into her. "You're as bad as Addy!" B playfully grumbled at me. "Somethin about you females with big brown eyes and long brown hear makes me loose all will power and what little bit of since I have." He chuckled handing me his keys. I turned to bolt to the truck but he took like two steps and caught me by the hips. "Ok you're getting to good at that. I gotta come up with something else." I grinned up at him. "I'm a fast learner." He told me pinning me between him and the door to the garage. "And I've learned to read your body language and those eyes. Cuz well darlin they tell all. I hope you don't try to play poker." He made fun of me. "Before you hop in I gotta be sure of somethin. Please don't get mad but I'm not going to assume the answer then have a mess to deal with. You can drive a stick right?" He questioned me. The look on his face screamed please don't get mad; please don't get all pissy. "Jake taught me years ago. It's been a while, but I've been told its like riding a bike. Once y learn ya never forget." My answer left a slightly worried look on his face.
"Make ya deal darlin. How about I drive to where ever we decide to go and you can drive back...." He's cracking me up with how he's trying to make sure he doesn't piss me off. "Sounds like. Plan to me B. But now I have another condition. I will need ice cream. We either buy a gallon and bring it back to go with the movie, or we stop some place after we get food." He chuckled as we got in the truck. "You've go from a scared rabbit to a high maintenance cuddle bug in less than two damn days. Do I wanna know what's going to happen in two weeks?" He asked as we pulled out the drive. I just laughed. "There's not to much more to know." I told him truthfully. "I don't have any crazy baggage, we all have crazy ex's but that's why they are in the past. I'm a pretty easy keeper as long as you feed me and take me outside to play often enough. And by play I mean anything involving fishing, hunting, camping, mudding, or guns. And obviously good music.  I like some typical girly stuff too, like shopping and some select chick flicks, and cheese romance novels. But that's pretty much me in a nut shell."
We rambled on back and forth like that until we got to the steak house outside of town. It was a cute little place that was made to look like a saloon. Honestly I was expecting the wait staff to be all over B, but it didn't happen. After we ordered I asked him about it. "So do you think she doesn't know who you are or is she just being polite?" Sitting his phone down he leaned back and kinda shook his head. "This place belongs to one of my cousins. So I know the staff. If they higher anyone new it can have a moment but they treat me like a normal person for the most part. That's why I like to come here. Plus the food is killer. You will love these fried mushrooms and fried pickles when they bring them out."
After our meal, which was damn good steak by the way, B decided we should stop at the UDF on the way back. When I parked in front of the door I had my first and only issue with driving that night. Brantley knew the problem before I even asked. "You don't remember how to park it do you?" He chuckled at me. I just shook my head no with an embarrassed grimace on my face. "Put it in first, keep your foot on the brake and clutch, then turn off the key." I did as I was told and had no problem. The problem came when we tried to leave. I kept killing it as I was trying to back up. Brantly tried not to laugh at me. Notice I said tried. When I finally got pissed off I got it and we made it back to the cabin in what Brantley said was record time. So I might have a bit of road rage when I'm mad and behind the wheel.
"Let's get you inside so you can cool down." B joked as we walk into the kitchen through the garage. I tossed they keys on the counter and dipped out some ice cream as Brantley turned everything on. "Hey B I need a favor." I told him as sweetly as possible when I handed him his bowl of moose tracks ice cream. "Oh what could you possibly need now.?" He grinned at me. "Wait no let me guess. You want one of my sweat shirts after you change cuz you're cold right? And I better make sure its one I'm OK to part with since I probably see it again." I sat my bowl down and headed to change. "You'll see it again." I reassured as I went up the steps. "You just won't ware it again."

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