Chapter 13

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Blake's POV

It's been two days since I came back to Brantley's and I'm still kinda on edge about the whole situation. I don't know what to do. I have to go back to Alabama at some point. I can't stay here forever. I have a book full of clients to deal with. Plus I seriously want to go back to school. I don't want to do hair forever.  But what does that mean for me and B? Plus let's not forget he travels 24/7 with his music career. Ughh I just wanna scream. I hate this. Hate hate hate hate it!
The sound of the shower shutting off snapes me from my thoughts. If I lean just a bit this way I can get a nice view when he goes for his cloths. What I was expecting to see was a nice shot of his ass. What I got was a full front view which of course means he busted me. The worst part is I tried to move and started to fall off his bed. Lucky me he's swift on his feet and caught me before I busted my head on one of his gun cases. I wanted to run, but I couldn't. I was held tight in his arms against his still wet body. Did I mention he's hard? And I don't mean just the muscles in his arms. Oh dear god I'm gonna die if he doesn't turn me loose soon.
I glance up to see him smirking at me. But the look in his eyes is So very much more than playful. It's been a while since I've seen it, but I'm pretty sure that's the look of a hungry man who needs so much more than just food. "Darlin if you wanted a look, all ya had to do was ask. No need to knock your skull in to get a peak of what's clearly yours." Wait, what? he said mine...
"I uhhmmm I just..." I never finished the pitiful attempt at a response. I couldnt. It's kinda hard to speak when your kissing someone and they take your breath away.
Bam bam bam... Bam bam bam... "B someone's knocking on the door." I managed as he continued to trail kisses from my jaw down my neck "Yo B.... Where you at Bro???" I hear a guys voice yell from down stairs. Then I hear foot steps which make me pull away from B. He just pulls me further into his lap and snarls and whoever was now on the steps. "Not the time." Was all B said. The person, who I now know to be kolby, never said a word. He just went back down the stairs and out the garage door.
"Sorry about the interruption little rabbit." Brantly told me as he picked up where he left off like nothing had happened. "I see the gears turning. Spill it beautiful." He demanded. "Well that was interesting. Does this happen often?" I asked a little more snippy than intended. He just grinned at me. "No, not to me. I said that, because its what he's said to me in the past if he's been occupied. So I knew he'd get the hint and I wouldn't have to stop what I was doing." He told me very matter of fact as he placed soft kisses across my throat and chest making me melt into him once again.
This man is going to be the death of me. I can't keep my hands off of him and any time his hands leave my skin I'm a very unhappy girl. I need more, but I gotta be sure we're on the same page. So I pull away from his touch and make sure I have his full attention.

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