Chapter 5

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Blake's POV

When B killed the engine I couldn't help but smile to myself. I've got to be one of the luckiest women on the planet! I'm not a morning person but if they were all like this is quickly become one. "What's the beautiful smile all about little rabbit?" He asked as he sat he helmet on the work bench. I slid off his jacket and handed it to him. "Just thinking how much I usually hate mornings, but if they could all be like this I'd gladly roll out of bed at 6 every morning." His laugh made my knees week and I kinda like the nick name. He was about to say something but was cut short.
"Auntie Bwake hurry up inside so I can see uncle Bwantley too. You've had hims all mornings" Addalyn yelled from the garage door. "What about me Addy?" I asked winking at Brantley. We both stopped to hear the response our 4 an a half year old God daughter would come up with. I could hear Maxie whispering so lord only knows what's to come. The thought made me cringe. "Mama said you've been on a date wis him all morning. So its my turn. But I needs see you too. We havs pick dresses for my tea party later. " I cringed again. Oh the things I subject myself to for this child. B must have saw me cringe cuz he's now giving me a very confused and somewhat unhappy look. "Does the thought of dealin with me bother ya that bad darlin?" He asked playfully but I could see just a slight bit of hurt or worries in his eyes. I tried my best to smooth things over and not seam desperate or let the full truth come out because that would be embarrassing. "No not it all. I just don't want people to assume," I said assume really loudly to make sure Maxie heard, "and then make our life even more crazy. But if a date is what you wanna call this morning that's fine by me." With my last words I did my best to hide the blush I felt creeping to my cheeks and promptly walked in the house. Before I turned away I'm 90% sure I saw a smile start to come back over Bs face. But I didn't get very far. He grabbed hold of my back bet loop and pulled my back to his chest. Resting his hands on my hips to keep me from bolting on him, and lets face it copping a feel, he whispered in my ear since we had an audience in ear shot. "No little rabbit that's a preview. Since you'll now let me get close enough to ask, how about dinner tomorrow night after your tea party day with ms Addy?" He chuckled at the tea party crack. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves then answered. "I'd like that; get to know you myself instead of just what I've been told. The trick will be to make my mind mix what I've been told with what I've seen and know of your career. Ugh..." I groaned. B just raised an eyebrow at me like "what?" So I had to explain again. "It's still kinda weird for me to wrap the brain around the fact that I've had a crush on the person Maxie told me about without every seeing him, and the fact that I'm a big fan of your work. I just never put the two together so I'm a bit flustered by it. Plus now that I say that out loud I kinda sound like a schizo nut job who should be in a padded room. Plus now I'm babbling again." That just made B laugh. A true genuine laugh that brought tears to his eyes. But I didn't get to enjoy it long. Jake interrupted us. "Will you two twitterpaited love birds please come inside before my darling daughter has a melt down." I couldn't help it. I had to punch him in the arm as I walked by. As soon as my feet hit the kitchen floor Addy jumped into my arms. "Bout time slow poke." She grinned at me. "Where's my uncle B?" She asked looking around as I held her. "He's in the garage with your daddy. So how bout we go look at dresses on the computer for your birthday tea party while they talk." She squealed and lead me by the hand into the living room. It blows my mind how well she can operate a tablet. It's like she was born with one in her hands.
When B and Jake finally came back in I was in Bs big black leather recliner, Addy on one side of me and sylo on the other. Seeing the shit eating grin on Jake's face made me worried. Maxie just winked at me. That just made me worried more. But all that faded as Brantley nealt down to talk to Addy. "What did ya find baby girl?" He asked with a smile. Ugh I could watch him all day with her. He's so damn good with kids it makes my ovaries tingle. Stop it Blake. You're putting the cart before the horse girl. Addy pointing to the dress for me made me focused on the issue at hand. Addy insisted I ware a dress like Bell from beauty and the beast. Thankfully I got her to be OK with me wearing the blue and white one, not the big proofed gold one. I just can't. However B was no help. Shit head even offered to pay for the gold one just to torment me. After Addy was out of ear shot I gave him hell. "What the hell B?! Way to throw me under the bus!" I hissed. "Aww come one we both know you would look great in it." Hr chuckled and of course Jake had to add his two cents. "Ya you would auntie Bwake." He said mimicing the way Addy said my name. "Well if daddy and uncle B don't want to dress up like prince charming and prince Andrew to match mommy and auntie Bwake I suggest they keep their yaps shut!" That made both of them back off pretty quick. Seeing them shutter was great. Looks like I got this handled for now.

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