Chapter 8

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Brantley's POV:

I was flipping through Netflix when Blake came back down. Sure enough, she had snatched one of my hoodies. "Is that the one I had on yesterday? You could've got a clean one." I grinned. "I like this one. It smells like you." She blushed and sniffed it. As she got closer, I had to laugh. She changed into a pair of her shorts, and my hoodie was longer than them. It swallowed her whole. She stuck her tongue out at me and plopped down on the couch. "What are we watching?" She asked. I handed her the remote. "I'm begging you little rabbit, please don't make me sit through some sappy ass movie." I pleaded. I hated that shit. She snorted. "Ew! No way, oh look! A Lethal Weapon marathon!" She clicked over to the classic action movie with a big grin. I just looked at her in shock. She looked at me then. "What? I don't do chick flicks." She chuckled. I just held up my hand for a fist bump. "Good Lord!" She laughed. I raised an eyebrow. "Open your hand, like this." She said and pried my fingers open, holding my hand up. "What are you doin?" I asked her. "Look at the size of that thing! Jesus B! That's not a hand, it's a paw." She said matter of factly. I cracked up and yanked her into my lap, snuggling her into my chest. "I'm a big boy. I'd look awful funny with soft little hands like these. I've got scarred up knuckles, callouses.. Workin hands." I shrugged as Blake pressed her palm to mine to compare our hands. She shook her head. "Watch this.. Sit up for a second baby." She did and turned to me. I grabbed her around her waist, my fingertips touching in the back, and my thumbs touching in the front. She giggled excitedly, and squealed when I locked my paw around her calf and yanked her back to my chest. I propped my feet up on the coffee table and she squirmed until her back was against my chest, her legs stretched out over mine. Her pink polished toes wiggling as she stretched. My phone rang about 20 minutes into the movie, normally I wouldn't answer, but it was Addy.
"Hey baby doll, what's up?" I grinned into the phone. "Uncle Bwantley! I need to see you! Momma and Daddy are bein aggravatin! So im gonna need to come to your house tomorrow. And we can ride 4 wheelers. And where's aunt Blake? Is she gonna sleep over there so y'all can wrestle?" Addy rambled on and on. All I could do is laugh. "Wrestle? What do you mean princess?" I asked her. "You know, like momma and daddy. They start wrestling, then momma starts praying. Yellin for God. Then daddy sounds like my old hound dog when he got worms." Addy giggled into the phone. I froze when I caught her meaning. Blake heard because I had the phone on speaker. "Uhh... Well Addy we aren't gonna wrestle right now sweet girl, but Uncle B has more room here. So if Aunt Blake stays here, y'all won't be so crowded at your house. And yes, you can come over tomorrow." I tried not to laugh. That had to be the most awkward conversation I've ever had. Blake had her hands over her mouth, and her eyes were wide. Her cheeks were red. Once I hung up, I sat back against the couch. Blake went to say something but I stopped her. "Not a word little rabbit. Not a word. That was the most awkward conversation I've ever had with my godchild." I shook my head. Blake cracked up then, laughing until she was gasping for air.

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