Type #7

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Type 7

Oneshots. (For this type, keep in mind <y/n> stands for 'Your name'.)


How the different types of oneshots go:

1. <Y/n> randomly sees one of the band members at a party, gets drunk, has sex with him.

2. <Y/n> is a friend of the band members, suddenly decides to confess her love, they hook up, she has sex with him.

3. <Y/n> ends up at a concert, gets backstage passes, has sex with one of them. (I've seen cases in which she has sex with all of them.)

These are all the ones I have read, but yeah. Any other one follow very similar storylines.


"What's wrong with these?"

If you are asking me this question, you are literally too stupid to insult.

This is my least favourite type of One Direction fanfiction, because while the other's at least catch your attention from time to time, these are all the same and very very boring. I think that their only pro (against their whole lot of cons) is that they are never more than 2 pages long, which is a relief.

These aren't in the least bit interesting, forget intellectually stimulating. They make me want to stop reading right at the title. It's sad, really, how people have a general lack of creativity.

It's not even the continuous sex that I'm against (okay, I am, but that's not it). It's the fact that these are even more repetitive that general One Direction fanfics. Not to mention the fact that they're very sickening.

These are (generally) written by people who don't have a creative cell in their bodies. And it's sad. It really is. I'm not saying that if you don't have creativity then you shouldn't write. I'm saying that try improving your creativity. And it can't be done if you rip off the same ideas over and over.

It's like someone some day a long time ago read a great compilation of headcanons and thought, "Hey! You know what'll be great? If we start doing these for One Direction!"

I'm actually not surprised if that actually happened; but they missed the point. Headcanons are side stories to previously told stories. You can't write headcanons (or their new name: one-shots) on people, not stories.

I would repeat and say  that they are all the same things, abut then that would be repetitive of me, and I would become a hypocrite.


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