Chapter 4

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A Billionaire's Family Chapter 4


I know mama will be so mad at me. I didn't mean to break it. I was trying to take it off and I pulled it and it broke.

Maybe I can talk to dad?

I walked into his office door and knocked.

"Come in".

I opened the door and he looked up and smiled.

"Hey Jillian".

"Daddy I need to talk to you". I was playing with my fingers.

"Well close the door and sit down". He put his pen down and looked at me as I did what he said.

"What's going on baby girl"?

"Daddy I did something bad and I didn't mean to. I promise I didn't mean to". I could tell I was crying.

He got up from his chair and came over to me and bent down.

"What happened"?

"I I broke mamas necklace that grandma gave her on her birthday".

He sighed and stood up. "Jillian why did you have it in the first place"?

"It was in the kitchen. I thought it was Jules. I just wanted to try it on and when I tried to take it off I broke it. I didn't know it was mama's".

He wiped my face with a tissue.

"Look you shouldn't be touching other people's things in the first place. And you will have to tell your mom".

I shook my head. "Daddy she will be mad".

He ran his hands through his hair and sighed.

"Your right she won't be happy Jillian. Where's the necklace"?

I took it out of my pocket and held it in my hand.

He took it from my hand and looked at it.

"Man Jillian. I need you to go to your room okay. I'll handle this but next time you will have to do this. And if you do take someone's things you will get your ass beat understood"?

I nodded and left his office.


Damn it. Candace is going to freak. This was the last thing her mom gave her before she was killed in that accident.

I walked in our bedroom and she was doing Jamie's hair.

"Hey umm baby I need to talk to you"? I looked at her and she looked worried.

"Jamie why don't you set up your tea party for mommy and I'll be there soon".

"Mommy can we use real cookies this time"?

Candace smiled at her. "Yes tell Jules and Jillian to get the stuff ready and we will all bake together".

She gasped and ran out the room.

"What wrong Justin"?

I walked over to her and sat on the couch.

"Baby umm this is hard to say".

"What"? She was getting scared.

I showed her the necklace and she froze.

"Wh-What happened to my mothers necklace"?

"Umm Jillian broke it".

Candace looked angry and got up but I grabbed her hand.

"Justin let go of me".

"Baby please calm down".

"Justin this was the necklace my grandmother gave to my mom and she gave it to me and I was gonna give it to Jules for her birthday. This necklace means to much to me. She gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday and I was getting myself together after my grandmother died. I'm so hurt and angry at the same time".

I hugged her and she started to cry.

"Jillian didn't mean to baby. She was scared to even tell you".

"My mom gave me that. My mom can't give me anything else Justin. I'm so upset". She cried as I rubbed her back.

"I need to talk to Jillian".

"Baby just don't hurt her".

She looked at me. "I would never hurt my child. I'm going to talk then beat her ass".

I understand why she would feel this type of way and Jillian needs a good spanking for what she did.

"But Justin I need you to help me first".

"With what"? I asked confused.

She smirked and kissed me.

The way both me and her take our anger out is sex and she's pissed.

I picked her up and laid her on the bed. And she shook her head.


"You know I'm on top Justin". And she flipped us over. How? Hell I don't know. She probably get extra strength when she's mad.


After Justin and I finished I walked downstairs to see all my girls in the kitchen.

"Jamie Jules I need to talk to Jillian".

Jules nodded and took Jamie out of the kitchen.

"Jillian sit down at the table please".

She looked scared but nodded and sat down. I sat beside her.

"First I want you to know. Even though you did what you did. I still love you no matter what. But answer this question. Why take something that's not yours"?

She shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanted to try it on I was going to put it back".

"That's not the point that you wanted to try it on Jillian you know your not suppose to take things that aren't yours that's stealing and I didn't raise my children to steal".

"Mama I'm sorry I really am".

"My mother gave me that necklace and it meant so much to me Jillian and I know your sorry but your still getting this ass whopping. You understand that right"?

She nodded.

"Now go upstairs and wait for me".

"I'm really sorry mom".

"I know baby".

And she walked upstairs.


Sorry it was boring. I was just trying to give you a chapter. It's kinda rushed. Sorry guys.

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