Chapter 23

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A Billionaire's Family Chapter 23


I think during this revenge stuff I started falling for Adam. He's such a good guy. But I don't know how he feels.

We were on the way to my school.

"Juliette I need to talk to you".

Oh no that doesn't sound good.

"Umm what about"?

He laughed. "Don't be nervous. But lately I've been having feelings for you and I wanted to know how you feel".

"I've been feeling the same way actually".

He blew out a big breath. "Whew I thought you didn't".

I giggled. Wait I giggled. I've never giggled before.

"So miss Juliette would you be my girl forreal no more pretending".

I turned to him a smiled. "Is that a yes"?

"Yes". I nodded.

"Just wait until I get to your school. I'll show you how happy I am that your mine".

We pulled up in front of my school and he got out of the car. I took my seatbelt off. He opened my door and helped me out.

He pulled me close to him by my waist and kissed me.

"Now I'm happy". He smiled making me smile.

"So I'll pick you up after school and tonight for our first date". He smiled.

"Date"? I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes a date babe".

I smiled and kissed him.

"Okay a date. Our first date". I smiled.

He kissed me again. "See you after school babe".

"Okay have fun". I smiled and he went over to the car and got in.

I walked into the school and there was flyers everywhere. People were looking at me either smug looks or licking there lips.

Jacob ran over to me.

"Jules I think you want to go home".

"What's going on"?

He grabbed a flyer from a locker and handed it to me. 'Princess Billionaire More Like Princess Whore'.

I read the title. It was a picture of my face with the word whore on it.

"She sleeps with the quarterback of our school then the quarterback of our rivals". I read out loud.

"No I never did anything with Blake".

Tears coming from my eyes. I can't believe he would do this to me.

"Moms is almost here. I called her as soon as I saw them".

I shook my head and ran out of the school. Why? How could this plan backfire on me. I'm still a virgin. Now people think I'm a whore.

"Sweetie get in". I heard my mom say

I saw here in front of the school I went over to her car and got in.

"Baby don't worry about this your father and I will fix this unless you have something in mind".

She drove off.

"Mom what are you talking about"?

"Look these two people made my baby look like a damn fool and called you a whore and I know you are still a virgin cause you still have that innocent look".

"Mom what should I do".

She gave me an evil look. "You still have that file".

I nodded. "Send it to my email and leave the rest to me and your  father".

What is my mom going to do?


After I comforted my daughter I went to my job. And went into Justin's office.

"How is she"?

"She cried herself to sleep. I'm tired of those kids hurting my child Justin. I'm gonna go to jail from beating those children".

"Baby calm down. You how good I am when it comes to my family".

"She sent me the file of both Blake and Alexis so send it to there parents".

"Oh baby I have a lot more than just this file".

I smiled. "You know your sexy when it comes to this stuff". I walk over and sat on his lap.

"Baby let the games began". He said

His office phone rung.

He answered it. "This is Justin Hale.....again.......yeah I'll be there.....thank you...goodbye".

He hung up.

"I have to go get Jacob. He got into a fight. Again".

"Baby I'll go".

"Oh no. Cause I know you will curse out those people for not doing anything quickly with those flyers. Baby let me go and I'll see you soon".

I nodded. Jacob probably fought Blake. No I know he did.

I know it's short but I wanted to give you guys some more drama.  I might upload another tonight.

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