Chapter 14

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A Billionaire's Family Chapter 14

4 days later


I'm actually being sued and not just sued I have to go to court and might end up in jail. All because I broke that bitch ass punks nose.

And today is the day of court. I'm so frustrated and this tie isn't helping. I look in the mirror trying to fix this tie.

"Ahh". I scream in frustration.

"Hey Jacob you okay"?

I turn and it's my mother standing by the door.

"No mom I'm not this is stupid. This whole day is stupid". I kick my desk.

"I know but believe me today will get better".

She walks over to me and ties my tie. "Just calm down sweetie and Sophia is downstairs".

"She's here"?

My mom nodded. "Yes she called me last night wanting to come and support you and how could I say no to that's just brought her here. I think it's sweet she's sticking by your side".

I hugged her. "Thank you".

"Yes now calm down and go see her".

She walked out of my room and I grabbed my suit jacket. I took a deep breath and then walked out of my room and then down the stairs.

I walked in the living room and Sophia was in there with Jamie and Jason watching tv.


She looked up and smiled and got off the couch and hugged me.

I hugged her back.

"I've missed you so much Jacob". She said in my neck.

"I've missed you too and thanks for coming".

"I couldn't miss it". She looked at me and smiled.

"Are you two going to kiss"? Jason asked making Jamie. Look at us too.


"Good cause that's nasty".

"Yeah nasty". Jamie mocked Jason.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Sophia's hand and went to the kitchen.

"You eat breakfast"? I asked.


"You want some cereal"?

She shook her head. "No thanks I can't eat I'm so nervous".

"What are you so nervous about".

She sighed and looked at me. Her eyes began to water.

"Hey what's wrong". I grabbed her chin.

"What if you get sent to jail who will I have then".

"Hopefully I don't and if I promise you I'll never leave you".

"You promise".

"Of course I promise to always be there for you".

I leaned in to kiss her.

"I knew it". Jason said at the doorway of the kitchen.

"Go away". I huffed.


We got to the courthouse and found my lawyer.

"You know I'm paying a lot. If my son goes to jail we going to have a problem". I told my lawyer.

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