Chapter 20

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A Billionaire's Family Chapter 20


After my parents argued my dad left. I walked in the kitchen.

"Mom I'm sorry I didn't mean to make dad get mad at you".

My mom laughed. "Sweetie it's okay. He was over reacting plus I haven't even went Christmas shopping yet. It's only November". She smiled.

I hugged her. "Thanks for covering for me".

"No problem. Your father doesn't need to know about this anyway".

I smiled and the doorbell rung. I walked out of the kitchen and my mom followed me.

I opened the door and it was Adam.


He smiled. "Hey. Good morning".

"Come in". 

I let him in and closed the door.

"Adam this is my mom. Mom this is Adam".

"Nice to meet you Adam".

"You too Mrs.Hale".

They shook hands and he just looked in awe.

"Wow Mrs.Hale you look more beautiful in person then in the pictures. I definitely see where Juliette gets it from".

"Oh..thank you Adam that's sweet of you. Look I know this plan of revenge and I'm all for it but do anything to hurt my baby I will hurt you". She smiled and walked back in the kitchen.

"I like her". He smiled.

"Everyone does. Well not everyone".

"You ready".

I nodded. And we walked out of the house. He had a nice car. But not better than my baby.

He opened my door and I said thank you and got in.

I waited for him to get in and he pulled off

"Man your house is huge. Looks like ten football teams could fit in there".

I laughed. "It's not that big".

"Compared to my house yes. Yes it is".

"So anyway. How are we going to do this. Like what's our story. I know you thought about it". I laughed a little.

He chuckled. "Well we met at the park which is true but you were crying and I walked over and tried to comfort you and we started talking ever since".

"Okay sounds good to me. And I'll say I didn't know you were his rival just a guy to talk to about my break up".

"I like that".

He parked beside the school while people were walking in the school.

"Look there he is with his group of guys".

"Here's what's going to happen. I'll get out and open your door you hug me and I'll kiss you on the cheek and as you walk away I'll yell I'll pick you up after school and you turn around and blow me a kiss".

I nodded.

He got out and walked over and opened my door. He helped me out of the car and I gave him a hug.

"Good luck". He whispered in my ear then kissed my cheek.

"Thanks". I smiled and walked towards the school.

"Juliette I'll pick you after school babe". He yelled.

I turned around and blew him a kiss and he winked at me making me laugh.

I turned around and saw Blake his face was red. I guess he was angry. I laughed to myself and walked in school.

I could feel someone following me. I opened my locker just to have it close. I turned and saw Alexis she looked pissed.

I rolled my eyes. "May I help you"?

"Why were you with Adam Jules".

"One only my friends can call me Jules and he's my man". I smirked.

She glared at me.

"You know I've had a crush on him since eighth grade why would you date him"?

"Why would you sleep with my boyfriend and try to bewitch him"?

She was about to talk but I put up my hand. "You have some nerve trying to get mad at me I didn't steal a guy from you. I didn't sleep with your boyfriend. You are with Blake aren't you? So scurry on over to him and get the fuck out my face before I give you a beat down bitch". I spat.

"You won't get away with this I promise you". She walked away from me and I laughed.

I have way more things on her than she does on me. I've never done anything like she has. She sends naked pictures. She gets wasted at parties. She even has a sex tape that she sent to my email on accident so she can try to come for me but I way more on that hoe.

I opened my door for it to be closed once again.

"Ugh you people are getting on my nerves". I said to myself

I turned and it was Blake he looked even more pissed.

"Why was Adam dropping you off"?

"Why do you care"?
He sighed. "Jules I'm sorry".

"How about you talk to someone who cares".

"Why the fuck are you talking to him Jules".

I turned around and opened my locker and got my books.

"Talking"? Pretending to sound confused.

"Yes Jules talking. Why did he say he was picking you up and he called you babe".

I shut my locker and turned around. "Let me tell you a secret".

I leaned forward and whispered. "I'm not just talking to Adam. I'm dating him".

And I turned around leaving him stunned. And I caught up with my cheer friends.

Unlike Alexis people liked me. Nobody really likes her cause she's a hoe and sleeps around. I never thought she was a hoe like people said. I mean sure she has slept with guys but they were all her boyfriends. Well I thought she was only sleeping with just her boyfriends.

But I was wrong she was sleeping with my boyfriend and probably other girls boyfriends too cause that's the rumors I heard. But I didn't want to believe it was true cause she was my bestfriend.

But like my mom said karma is a big bitch.


So people wanted a Jules chapter so I did a Jules chapter just for you guys. But the next chapter probably will be a Jules chapter again.

Guys I really actually don't know how long I will make this story hopefully thirty chapters or more.

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