Chapter 21

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A Billionaire's Family Chapter 21


I was waiting for Adam to come pick me up.

School has been over for ten minutes and he still wasn't here. I was starting to get less patience.

"I guess your little boyfriend stood you up".

I turned around and it was both Blake and Alexis hugged up on each other.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around to see his truck coming.

He parked in front of me. And got out of the truck.

"I'm sorry I'm so late babe". He pulled me into a hug.

"I need you to kiss me". I whispered.

He squeezed me a little tighter I'm guessing that's a yes.

"It's okay but I'm mad at you now babe".

We pulled apart and I made a sad face.

He grabbed my face and placed his lips on mine. His lips are so soft as he kissed me passionately. I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

I didn't want it to end.

He pulled away and I looked at him in the eyes.

"You still mad baby".

I shook my head and he grabbed my hand. As we headed to the truck. He stopped and turned around.

"Blake I see you met my girlfriend. Oh wait wasn't she yours at first. Damn man you lost a great girl and I can't wait to see that same face when my team beats yours". He laughed as he helped me in the car.

I put on my seatbelt and he got in on the other side.

I looked at Blake who looked mad as fuck and Alexis's mouth was still on the floor. I waved as we pulled off.

And once we got off the school property we started laughing.

"Oh my goodness you were so hood back there". I told him.

"Me? What about you? I'm mad at you now babe". He mocked me and I laughed.

"Did you see there faces. I can't believe this is working".

"I can't believe it's actually getting to them".

"Yeah like I texted you this morning that they both came up to me".

"He just can't stand the fact that we are "dating"."

"His fault. He used me as a bet".

"Yeah that's still fucked up. You should get your dad to beat his ass. I heard your dad use to box".

I shrugged. "I actually don't know. I just know my mom use to fight a lot when she was younger".

"Oh really. I would have never guessed it".

"I know right. My mom doesn't seem like it until she is in protective mode".

"I understand that".

As we were going back to my house I just thought about that kiss. It was different like it felt a spark.

"What are you thinking about over there. You look so focused".


I didn't want to say that I'm thinking about the kiss. I don't know what he's feeling.

"Come on tell me".

I sighed.

"I was thinking about the kiss".

"Oh yeah me too. Did you feel something too"?

I nodded. "Yeah". I said quietly.

"Don't be shy about it. I actually really liked it". I blushed once we said it.

"Me too". I smiled.

"Blake seriously let go of a really good girl".


We pulled up to the gate and the guard let us in. And pulled up into the driveway.

"Thanks for the ride".

"Don't thank me im happy to".

He got out of the car and came around and opened my door then helped me out.

"Thank you".

"I'll see you tomorrow. And we should match tomorrow".

"Oh yeah that would be great". I smiled.

He kissed my cheek. "Tomorrow black and red. I'll send you a picture of what I'm wearing".

"Okay cool".

"See you tomorrow".

I nodded and walked to my door and unlocked it. I waved bye to him and he drove off.

I walked in the house to see my dad standing there with his arms crossed and he did not look happy.

"Hi daddy. What what are you doing home early"?

"No the real question is who is that boy and why was he dropping you off and kissing your cheek".

"Umm well dad I umm I-".

"Justin I need to talk to you. I heard my mom from upstairs".

I let out a sigh of relief.

His face looked pissed. "Juliette this is not over".

And he walked upstairs.

Man I knew I would get caught.


I knew Justin saw what happened and I knew he would chew her out so I called him.

"Candace what is it. I have to talk with Juliette".

"No Justin".

He looked at me like I just grew another head.

"What are. You talking about".

I sighed and ended up telling him the whole story.

"This is your fault Candace"? He yelled.

"Don't yell at me Justin Hale. You didn't see her face or hold her while she cried over that no good kid and I think she should be able to do this".

"Candace she's with another guy".

"Justin she isn't dating him. He's helping her. Get a fucking grip Justin".

"Candace I can't believe you didn't tell me this shit".

"Cause you over exaggerate Justin. Even if she falls for this guy so what. He's a nice boy".

"You met him".

I rolled my eyes. "Yes I did".

"I can't believe you would keep this from me Candace you aren't a fucking single parent. We do this shit together. We parent together".

"When it comes to your daughters Justin you parent differently you don't treat them the same as the boys".

He sighed and sat on the bed.

"I know I'm sorry but I don't need my wife hiding things from me".

I sat on his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I know and I'm sorry baby but don't get on Jules case. I was the one who told her she could do it. I gave her the idea".

"Alright but I'm going to have to punish you".

He picked me up and threw me on the bed. And smirked at me.

Oh it's about to go down.

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