Chapter 1 - Awake (sort of)

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Ten minutes before Cass's alarm she lay wide awake in bed. Sweat covered her body as she took deep breaths to calm herself.


There was always so much blood in her dreams. She wasn't sure if it was the wet life force or the fact that she had killed a handsome stranger that woke her each morning.

She glanced at her clock.

"Ugh. Just once I'd like to sleep in!"

Rubbing her eyes she rolled to her side. Her phone was flashing, missed text 11 PM

Jake: Taking Ann to doc. No am or pm ride. Sorry!

Cass typed back : No problem, love a morning walk. Hope Ann is ok.

Ann was her best friend's mom and was not doing well with some unknown illness. Poor Jake was always taking her to different doctors all with the same result, no clue what was wrong.

Cass made her way to the bathroom. As she jammed her toothbrush in her mouth she noticed that the dark circles under her blue eyes were even darker today. "Fantastic only 18 and I'm looking closer to 40." After a quick shower she pulled her unruly auburn hair into a ponytail and tossed on the first clothes in the dresser. Because really who cared what she looked like.

After the dreams had started she kinda gave up on trying to impress anyone.

Her dad was seated in the kitchen hiding behind a newspaper. She poured a cup of coffee and sat down.

He mumbled something about coffee and peeked over the paper. His dark frames matched his hair and he looked like he could use some more sleep.

Cass shrugged and took a sip from her Betty boop mug. Apparently satisfied with this answer he went back to his paper.

She finished two more cups before she stuffed her backpack with a lunch and books.

"See ya tonight." She called over her shoulder as she shut the door.

"Okay, hon."

The day was crisp and cool. Leaves cruched under her boots as she cut through her yard and neighboring field. The high school was close, only a few blocks from her house. She didn't mind walking but it was a treat when Jake would drive her.

The sounds of cars, busses and gossip grew louder as she got closer. It created an excitement that filled her with dread. She didn't know what caused it but the feeling of fear settled on her as she aproached the building.

Cass looked around her as if she would see the boogie man and the reason for the fear. But nothing appeared out of place.

"Weird." She opened the heavy glass door and made her way to her locker.

Jake was there. "Sorry Cass."

"Really it's all good. How's Ann?" She stuffed her bag into her locker and took out a notebook.

"No idea, she'll be getting tested all day. I'll go get her after." He ran his fingers through his curly hair.

"Yeah, that's rough."

"Yep." He looked around the hall, it was thinning as the bell got closer. "Here for you."

A greasy brown bag. It could be many things but Cass knew without opening, chocolate fudge doughnut. "Thanks Jake!" She couldn't help herself, she gave him a huge hug.

As she pulled back she lost her balance and he caught her elbow. "Walk much?"

She laughed, "I know I've been off today." She almost told him about her feelings of dread but thought better not to, he had enough on his plate.

He chuckled "Well let me help you to your class."

Walking down the hall with Jake holding her elbow was just weird. They got some looks. Cass tried to ignore the urge to shake him loose. They had been friends forever but nothing more.

As they entered the class room Cass lost her balance and nearly fell over. Thankfully Jake kept her from hitting the floor. Everyone turned to look at her. A few helpful souls shouted "You okay?"

No. Cass was not okay. She would never be okay again.

The unknown fear - was now known.

As she tried to right herself and collect her notebook and pen she looked at the object of her fear.

He was breathtaking.

The most beautiful guy she had ever seen was sitting in the chair behind hers. His jeans fit him well, his shirt was casually tucked in and his smile was to die for. He was literally the man of her dreams.

This is a first draft and will hopefully be coming at you daily! Please tell me what you think will happen with Cass and her dream guy!

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