Chapter 12 - Goodbye

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"Soul Mate? You're not serious?" Cass couldn't help it, she rolled her eyes.

"This changes everything." Her mom took a breath and rolled her shoulders making her appear to stand taller. "I checked this town before you moved. No one here had your energy. I thought you would be safe."

Her dad added, "The school registry was updated last week, your mom notified me. When you went to the game with a new kid, I thought your mom should check in just to make sure."

"So Parris is my soul mate?" Cass didn't need to see her mom's head nod to know that statement was true.

Her mom rubbed her finger tips to her forehead. "I don't know what I was thinking, soul mates always find each other. Age, location, race none of it matters. The connection is too strong."

Another deep breath. "Cassandra pack a bag. We leave tonight."

Cass did not want to go. What choice did she have? Every argument she put forth was met with a mostly reasonable answer. She had to go with her mom and if she was honest with herself she wanted to learn more about her dreams. There had to be a way to control them, to see more than what she was seeing. Her mom was the only one who could help her, and possibly Parris and Ann.

An hour after she got home she was in the car, driving away.

Saying goodbye to her dad was just weird.

"It's going to be quiet around here without you." He hugged her and then went back inside.

The house lights clicked off and Cass watched the living room window light up with the familiar TV glow as the car pulled away.

Goodbye Dad.

After what seemed like hours but was closer to minutes, Cass couldn't take it any longer.

"Can Parris avoid the fate I see for him?"

Her mom's eyes narrowed. "You see his fate?"


"Is it awful?"

"Yes." What the hell was wrong with this woman? No sympathy - at all. It's like she was glad to hear it.

Cass really wanted to jump out of the car. And go where? To Parris. That was the only place she'd be safe.

"How often do you see his fate?"

Cass sighed. "Every night."

The car screeched to a halt.

All the color from her mom's face was gone. "Every night?"

Cass was unsure if she should answer truthfully.

"Cassandra, yes or no?!"

"Yes." Cass was shaking.

Her mom dropped her watch in the console, jumped out of the car, opened Cass's door and hauled her into the woods.

"What the?" A branch hit her face. They were moving fast.

Her mom's grip on her arm tightened - if that was even possible. They were so far from the car.

Her mom finally let her go.

Cass dropped to the ground and rubbed her arm. She glared at her mom.

Helen paced and tapped her manicured fingernail on her teeth. Then she rounded on Cass, took a hairpin out and drew blood from Cass's arm.

"Mom!?" Cass wasn't sure if she should run away but she could barely see, it had gotten dark.

Her mom then put the hairpin to her lips and tasted the blood. Her eyes glazed over.

Cass knew that look. Her mom was having a vision, a very controlled vision.

Her mom's eyes returned to normal. "Oh my gods, I can't help you."

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