Chapter 20 - Control

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She had never been able to do anything other than observe the vision. Cass was helpless and just watched them unfold.

But tonight she could move.

She could focus and be with the person she was thinking about. She could view them from different perspectives and even walk around. It was slow, like moving through water but she could move.

Cass slow motion jumped and spun
in circles. She felt like she might actually be useful tonight and find some answers.

Play time was over she had to focus.

She thought about Ann. In a flash she was at Ann's house. Ann was kneading bread, something Cass had watched her do countless times.

Ann dusted the board with more flour. White specks filled the air surrounding her in an angelic glow.

"I wish you could have been my mom." Cass said to her vision of Ann.

Cass sat at the kitchen table alert, watching for anything that might be a clue.

After watching Ann for some time Cass said, "There's nothing here to see!"

Cass focused on Jake instead. She was with him at the grocery store. He tossed items in the cart. These visions were so unhelpful.

At the checkout the clerk said something was wrong with the bag of flour. "I'll just go get a new one." She took the bag with wheat stalks on the front and hurried off.

Jake muttered something about "Every damn time."

Cass ran to find the clerk. Something was off. It was hard to run with her fluid dream gravity but she had to try.

The clerk was coming out of the back - not the flour aisle and the sack she was carrying looked different. It had a scythe blade on the front.

"The flour!" Cass screamed. No one turned to look. No one saw her in the visions she was powerless to stop anything.

She went to the stock room. A shelf in the back had the special flour bags and a phone number.

Cass was bad with numbers but she repeated the number over and over. "Please stick in my brain! Four, seven, eight...."

Satisfied that she knew the number she thought of Ann again.

Ann was sitting in the kitchen and the timer went off. She took out a fresh loaf.

Cass had had gobs of that bread. Maybe the poison wasn't in the flour, maybe it baked out or something. Now Cass was unsure about the flour, but it was the only thing in her vision that felt important.

Without meaning to she thought of Parris and was with him in the grassy field.

"Hi." She said without thinking.

"Hi." He said back.

"You can hear me?" Had he heard her? She was trying to remember if they spoke in her dreams. Maybe sometimes.

"Of course you are rather close."

They were close without realizing it she had snuggled up next to him as they walked towards the large cathedral.

"Do you know where we are?" She asked him as she stopped walking.

"Greece I think."

"Do you know what will happen when we go in there?" She looked at the building of stone.

"I have a bad feeling about it, but I thought you wanted to go." He looked around. Then tossed his head to the right. "How about over there?"

Cass saw a grove of apple trees, heavy with fruit. There was even a little place they could sit. "Looks nice, let's check it out."

They strolled over to the grove, picked some fruit and talked. After what seemed hours the light shifted.

Cass kept thinking she would see the weapon that she might use, but in all her visions she had never seen this grove. This was very different. Cass was in control of this one.

"Parris is it time to wake up?"

He kissed the top of her head. "I'd rather not, but I think it's time."

Cass woke herself up and Parris had lived!

Parris lived for the first time in her dreams! I'm so happy - I want these two to have a happy ending!! Please vote if you are liking it. -LM

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