Chapter 18 - Dawn

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It was completely dark, Helen shook Cass awake.

"Put this on. It's better to be quiet, try not to speak. I'll meet you out front when you are ready."

Cass fumbled for the bedside lamp. Laying across her bed was a white linen tunic. It was plain dress, like a toga you might see in a frat movie. There was white rope to tie at her waist. There was also a shawl. It was a rectangle gathered at the shoulders. It had lovely detailed stitching, making the plain cotton fabric look fancy.

Cass joined Parris and her mom outside. Parris had on the white tunic without a shoulder covering. He looked cute and not fully awake.

"Ready?" Parris asked through a yawn.

"As ready as I can be." Cass took his hand.

They silently made their way up the mountain following their flashlights and Helen.

The darkness was starting to shift when they reached the top. There stood a small circle of stones weathered with age.

"You two hold hands and step into the circle. Look to the East and turn off those flashlights."

Cass awkwardly turned off the flashlight while keeping ahold of his hand.

"Now what?" Cass wanted to do everything right. To reach her potential and hopefully find a way to save Parris and Ann from the fates she saw.

Helen paced and kept her eyes on the East. "We wait."

"Anything else I should do?"

"Just wait."

Dawn was approaching, bringing Apollo with it.

The world took on a glow, the sun wasn't visible yet. The rock circle they stood in moved. It shook and titled.

Helen shouted for them to stand still.

Parris stood behind Cass protectively holding on to her while he fought the urge to run with her back down the mountain.

The sun crept over the horizon. The first rays hit their eyes and everything was dark again.


Sun. All Cass could see, feel and hear was the Sun.

She fell on her knees. Before her was a man. His hair streaked with gold, his skin bronzed by the sun and his body was covered with armor. Details caught her eye, a small scar near his eye, the pattern on his armor reminded her of scenes from the Trojan war and his bronze skin had smatterings of freckles.

Wind rushed around the two of them, shielding them from the world.

He spoke into her mind. "You see more than you do. Turn around and see your hope. Daughter find the answers and seek the truth."

He was gone. Cass returned to herself. To her the world was cast in shadows of green. Parris held her in his arms and even Helen was kneeling next to them.

"What did you see?" Helen asked.


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