Chapter 8 - Not Easy

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Cass held her phone in her hand. She walked back and forth wearing a path in her newly vaccumed rug. She wavered between calling or texting.

Cass: Can I come over tomorrow?

She dropped the phone on her bed and sank beside it. "In person would be best." Cass rubbed her eyes with the heal of her hands. "God, he is going to hate me!"

Jake: Sure. 11 am.

Cass told her dad she was stopping by Jake's in the morning and would like the car.

"Two dates in one weekend?" He looked up at her and actually paused the TV.

"It's not like that dad." She didn't mean to sound whiney.

"Maybe it's not like that to you. Just be careful Cass." He stood and gave her an awkward hug. "Keys are on the hall table."

"Thanks." She went to her room.

What a strange night.

The next morning after almost no sleep Cass made her way to Jake's house. How many times had she ridden her bike here or ate dinner? She'd lost count and had come to count on this small haven.

Jake's house felt like home to her. It smelled of peppermint and baked bread.

As she knocked, she knew it would be the last time she would be welcome here.

Fighting back tears she entered after she heard Anna's voice.

"Hi Ann."

She looked so tired. "Is that Cass? You get in here and give me a hug!"

Cass bent to give her a hug. Ann was on the couch. "Ah, sweet girl. How have you been?"

Cass stood and kept a hand on Ann's shoulder. "I should be asking you that."

"Just the same. No news must be good news."

Cass started to cry.

"Honey don't cry. All will be well."

"I'm sorry I just want you to get better so badly."

"Me too, me too." Ann squeezed Cass's hand.

Jake came in carrying a tray. He didn't look at Cass "Hey."

Great he's still mad. "Hey."

Ann looked between them, confusion filled her face.

This was awkward. Best to get it over with.

"I have something to tell you both. It's going to sound strange and most likely you won't believe me. I'm going to tell you this because I love both of you and want to help if I can."

Ann spoke, "You're scaring me Cass."

Jake sat next to his mom. Cass perched on the chair opposite them.

"Let me finish before you ask questions. After I'm done I'm sure you will want me to leave."

Ann was about to say something, but Jake shook his head.

Cass took a deep breath and began. She told them about her visions. She avoided any bloody details but gave several examples of her visions coming true.

"I tell you this because I had one last night about you." She looked at Ann and tried to hold back the tears. "You have been poisoned, it has been over several years, intended to bring you pain and go undetected. Your poisoner - I don't know who unfortunately - will miss calculate next weekend."

No one spoke.

Jake shook his head and rubbed his palms on his jeans.

"You're joking." Jake's face was flushed. His legs bounced with pent up energy.

"No, I'm not."

Ann looked at Cass and studied her face. "She's not lying. She believes she is telling the truth."

"We are just supposed to believe you have some dreams that come true? Why bother telling us if they always come true?"

"I don't know. You could maybe leave town or stop taking whatever it is that makes her feel worse! We have a week we must try."

"It's just so crazy, why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to so many times, but you treated me like I was normal and I didn't want to risk that. I needed your friendship. I was afraid if I told you that you would just think me crazy."

"I needed your honesty."

Cass just knodded. No defense for the crazy, anything more would just make her sound crazier.

Ann tried to calm him down. "Jake that's not fair."

"This is huge and she never told me!" Then he turned on Cass. "After everything I've told you, all we've been through? Is there more you're not telling us?"

Parris flashed through her mind making her hesitate and look guilty.

"What the hell Cass?" Jake was on his feet. "Get OUT!"

Her best friend in the world. Jake might never forgive her for being the one to tell him. Cass's heart fell to the floor, and stayed there as she left.

Each step hurt, each step was a gong in the death nell of their relationship.

Cass drove and drove. Futher our in the country. When she got hungry she turned back to town. After some turns she was at a house with a pick up truck in the driveway.

Cass: Are you home?

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