Chapter 6 - Win Some Loose Some

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Jake found Cass after school the next day. "Hey mom's doing okay today want to watch a movie with us tonight?"

Her original plan was to just not tell him about her date. Now she'd have to tell him.

"It sounds fun, really. But I can't tonight." Just drop it Jake, leave it at that.

"What you got a hot date?" He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed as he lounged against the lockers.

She turned red. "It's not a real date, I lost a bet and have to go to the stupid football game."

"With who?" Football was not her thing.

"The new guy." She fidgited with her locker lock.

Jake pushed himself off the lockers. "You don't even know his name yet, and you're going on a date with him?"

"It's not a date! I lost a silly bet and now I'm on the hook. Don't make this a thing Jake it's nothing." Heat rose up her throat and blotched her face.

"Whatever it is don't go." He was turning to leave.

Cass grabbed his arm. "Jake."

"You avoid him like the plague, and now you are going on a date. I don't get it. Football game? Really?" He looked at her like he was going to say more, instead he said, "Go with your gut Cass, see ya."

Cass slammed her locker. Go with my gut? Jake had a lot of nerve acting mad. She hadn't done anything wrong, it was just a football game.

It was one of those perfect Fall afternoons that Cass failed to notice on her walk home.

She stomped the whole way.

What was her gut saying?

Her dreams had always come true. Every. Single. One.

Cass had dreamed of her mother leaving. After three nights of having that dream she told her mom.

A week later her mom was gone.

Other odd dreams about neighbors pets dying happened occasionally. She usually had a heads up on major storms and traffic accidents. Unfortunately all her dreams were depressing. Nothing about winning lotto numbers or when a teacher will give a pop quiz.

But the same dream for years about this new guy. She had hoped it was just an odd dream, not a premonition.

Meeting the new guy had really messed with her already messed up head. The dreams of him continued every night.

Her gut was saying to get close. But what if her dreams would come true?

Her head said to stay away - and she only had two hours to figure out how to go on a non-date with the new guy.

She couldn't help primping. After an extra long shower she rummaged around and was able to find mascara and lip gloss.

She located her darkest wash jeans and paired them with her chocolate calf high boots.

The top was harder to pick out. She ended up with a white sweater and a school spirit scarf "go-team-go".

Cass sat on the couch with her dad.

"Going somewhere tonight?"

"The game."

"That should be fun. Are you walking over?"

The door bell rang.

"No. I'm going with the new guy from school. Be nice okay Dad?"

He held his hands up in surrender.

Cass opened the door. He looked good.

He smiled as he took her in. "Are you ready?"

She couldn't help but smile back. "Yeah, just let me grab my coat."

She was gone only a few minutes but came back to them shaking hands and her father patting him on the back.

"Alright, Sir, I'll have her home before 11."

"Have fun kids." Her dad waved and went back to his TV show.

He opened the truck door for her and she made sure his door was unlocked.

"Are you going to tell me what that was about with my dad?"

He looked at her when he came to a stop sign. "I don't think so. Guy stuff."

The game was more fun than Cass thought possible. Everyone was happy and friendly. The smell of popcorn floated from the concessions. She asked her date about what parts of the game she didn't understand and he had all the answers.

"I played at my old school. Moved too late to try out here." He pointed to the field. "I played that position, wide receiver. My dad was so mad that they wouldn't let me try out."

"Were you mad?"

"Maybe a little but there's always next year. I think not playing for a few weeks in high school won't be a college deal breaker."

"You will play in college?"

"Oh yeah, it's the only way I can go to college. I need a scholarship. Otherwise I'll have to work with my dad." He rolled his eyes making her laugh. "That would be the worst having to listen to him complain about me for the rest of my life."

"I hope you get your full ride." I hope my dreams about you never come true.

Something happened on the field that had everyone cheering and it pulled their attention away from talking.

When the game was over Cass was in high spirits. "That was so fun! I'm glad I lost the bet."

"I agree. Best football game company I've ever had."

They made their way to the truck. Neither really wanted the night to end.

So he asked "Wanna get a pizza?"

Cass couldn't help herself. "Yes."

We finally find out new guy's name next chapter! I'm so excited - are you?!

You rock to have read this far! High fives all around :)

I almost forgot to mention we find out more about Cass and her visions!

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