Chapter 7 - Parris

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Maggie's Pizza parking lot was packed with cars. They had to park a few blocks down and walk.

The downtown area was cute with gas lamp looking lights, fire red shrubbery and Autumn decorations every where. It was cool and crisp as they strolled the sidewalk.

Cass couldn't take it much longer, she had to ask him. It had been bugging her.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything."

"Okay this is really dumb but I don't actually know what your name is?"


"I know! I've known you for weeks and the only name I have for you is new guy." She laughed and ran her hands down her face. "Sorry."

He stopped and turned to her holding out his hand. "I'm Parris Thomas, nice to meet you."

Cass took his hand to shake it. Neither of them noticed the scratch on his palm.

The name Parris fit him well. It was exotic and ordinary at the same time. His dark features glistened in the street lights and it was like Cass saw him clearly for the first time.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Cassandra Troy Evergreen."

He still had hold of her hand and was turning to keep walking when Cass started to feel weird, really weird.

"Oh no, not now." She moaned and tried to say "sorry" as she went ridged. This vision had come on faster than any before.

Her eyes glassed over and her skin went cold. She spoke loudly about random things; Parris couldn't follow it all. He just held her unsure of what to do.

As quickly as she had gotten weird she went back to normal.

"I'm so sorry." She held onto him to gain her balance.

"It's ok I've got you." He patted her back and guided her to an alcove.

She took deep breaths in and out, to help her head from spinning.

Her waking visions were always worse than her dreams. She never knew when they would happen, but something about Parris had unlocked part of her and this vision had come on fast and violent without warning.

Not that she could control them. Usually she had enough time to get home before they completely over took her.

One day after school she was pretty sure her father was in the house when it happened. He never asked about it, and she certainly didn't want to bring it up.

Her body reacted to the vision and couldn't control what was going to happen next.

"Sorry." She mumbled again and took off running for the nearest bush.

Everything in her stomach came up.

That was gross.

Parris was the polite gentleman. He waited for her and even offered her a hankie.

"What just happened?" He was trying to stay calm but was clearly freaked out.

"I can't explain it all tonight, I've got to get home." She hugged herself. The world was still spinning, like she had been jumping.

Parris put an arm around her and helped her back to the truck. "I won't tell anyone if that's what you are worried about. Cass I like you, but what just happened has me really worried for you."

Drugs. That's probably what he thought. "It's not what you think." She rubbed her head.

He looked her in the eyes for a moment and then knodded. "Tell me when you are ready."

The ride home was quiet and she had him pull over one time. Nothing came up but she was glad he had stopped.

What must Parris think of her? He was being so nice about it.

But right now she was more worried about her vision than anything else.

She knew what was wrong with Ann, and when Ann would leave this world.

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Do you like the new guy's name?


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