Chapter 8: Into the storm: Part I

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Once they arrived back near their homes, Vili took Dis home, while Thorin followed Balin and Dwalin back to their home, so he could speak to Nattie. As they entered the Fundin Brother's home, they could see Nattie already awake, sitting by the fire place. "Where have you been?" Nattie asked Balin and Dwalin. "We had to track down my sister, she took off for a while, and I found her and Vili, and we've made amends." said Thorin gently, as he approached Nattie and he took her hands. "You--made amends with Vili?" gasped Nattie in surprise. "Of course! I finally accepted Vili and I given Dis my full blessing of their courtship!" said Thorin, smiling at Nattie. "That's good, but that's not going help us where we stand!" said Nattie, icily. "Oh." said Thorin sadly, as he looked down at his feet guiltily. "About that, Nattie--what I've done earlier tonight was uncalled for! I never meant to hurt you, I allowed my temper to get the best of me, and I should have never done it!" said Thorin, looking into Nattie's eyes.

Nattie remained silent as she looked at him. "Please forgive me, Nattie. I love you, and I will never hurt you again!" said Thorin, as he gently ran his fingers through Nattie's hair. "I forgive you, Thorin! I love you!" Nattie whispered back, as she placed her head on Thorin's chest. "Are you ready to go home, love?" asked Thorin. "Yes, I'm ready to go home!" said Nattie. And so the two of them stood up, as they walked back home.

Several years later...

Spring, 2852

As years had passed, and during those years, Vili and Dis got married. After their marriage, everyone, (including Balin and Dwalin) had been trying to convince Thorin into offer Nattie his hand in marriage. And after a few attempts, Thorin either had refused, or kept brushing them off, or changing the subject. Five more years went by after the wedding of Vili and Dis, things went very smoothly, and one day, Dis announced to everyone she is pregnant. The news is so exciting that Nattie offered to plan a party to celebrate the occasion. One night, during the celebration, Nattie could overhear Thorin talking to Balin and Dwalin about his father. "Thorin, for the past two years we've been searching for your father, and each time ended unsuccessfully." said Balin. "Damn it, Balin! My father is somewhere out there! He has to be!! I know so!!" snapped Thorin, loudly his voice echoing throughout the Great Hall.

"Thorin, I understand you wish to know the whereabouts of your father, but its time that you should give up! He may be dead, who only knows!" said Balin. "MY FATHER IS NOT DEAD!!" bellowed Thorin angrily, and he stood up, as he stomped out of the Great Hall. "Thorin!" called out Nattie. "Just leave him be, lass! He needs to cool down!" said Balin gently. Nattie nodded in agreement. She knew with Thorin in the state of mind right now, she needed to leave him be. In fact, for the past several weeks Thorin had been on edge. There were times that she and Thorin would get into arguments over little things, because of this sudden change in Thorin, and it worried her, and she knew why after hearing the conversation tonight. Thorin had been obsessing over the whereabouts of Prince Thrain. The dwarf has been missing since 2799, which it been many years now! Why would he want to look for his father now? thought Nattie.

The celebration ended up a success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. However with Thorin not there, Nattie didn't seem to enjoy herself at all. She had been too busy worrying about the Dwarf leader, as she can tell he's been under a lot of stress lately. As the Feast came to close, everyone went home. After Dis and Vili been married, Dis had moved in with Vili, and now the only two people who lived at the Durin home is Thorin and Nattie. After saying their goodnights, Nattie went home, hopefully she would fine Thorin there. Once Nattie entered the house, she noticed there is no sign of Thorin. Maybe he's already in bed! Maybe I'll check his bedroom! thought Nattie, as she made way towards Thorin's bedroom. To Nattie's shock and horror, when she entered Thorin's bedroom, she saw that the room is empty, and much worse, Thorin's belongings are gone as well. Nattie panicked. NO! Why did he leave?! Where did he go?!! He left without bother telling us!! Nattie's mind panicked. Nattie decided right away to go inform Balin and Dwalin about it. Although it was late, but they needed to know of Thorin's sudden disappearance.


Balin and Dwalin remained awake after the feast, as they gathered in their living room near the fireplace discussing the events of the day, when suddenly they heard a knock on the door. "Who would that be at this hour?" asked Dwalin. Balin stood up and he went to answer the door, and he seen it was Nattie. "Nattie! What are you doing here?" asked Balin. "Balin, we got a problem!" said Nattie, tears running down her face. "What is it, my dear child? Do come in, and tell me!" said Balin, gently as he allowed Nattie to enter his home. Nattie followed Balin into the living room, and she sat down on one of the chairs, as Balin brought her in some tea. Once Balin got seated, Nattie told them of Thorin's sudden disappearance. "He didn't even bother writing a letter or anything! He just got up and left!" said Nattie emotionally. "Damn it! We told him to give up on the search! We gave up on the search along time ago! Why can't the lad listen?!!" barked Dwalin, angrily.

"We need to go find him! I want to go find him! And nobody can't stop me for finding him!" said Nattie. "Nattie, you are not going to travel alone! If you wish to find Thorin, take someone with you!" advised Balin. Dwalin stood up. "And I'll be more than happy to go with you, lass! When do you wish to start the journey?" asked Dwalin. "Tomorrow morning at sunrise, Dwalin! I will get my pony and meet you at the outskirts of Ered Luin!" said Nattie, calmly. "Sounds like a plan to me!" said Dwalin. "Now you get some rest, Nattie. How about if you stay with us tonight! It would be pretty lonely to be by yourself at the house!" offered Balin. Nattie smiled. "Thank you, Balin!" said Nattie. And so Nattie first went back to her house, and packed her belongings and supplies needed for the journey on the search for Thorin. Once everything is packed up, she returned to Balin and Dwalin's home, and she went to the guest room, and went to bed.

**Author's note** I apologize for the short chapter, I decided to break this chapter into a second part! The second part will be posted tomorrow!

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