Chapter IV

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I woke up, in a big room, that only had one light at the middle, which somehow lit up almost the entire room. I don't know where I am, I don't even know how I got here. My head ached, which made me flinch a bit.

I tried to scream for help but all that came out were muffled sounds, and that's how I found out about the handkerchief covering my mouth. I tried to take it off using my hands, which I soon found handcuffed behind my back. And I also found myself tied to a chair. Oh boy.

I looked around and found my weapons on the corner, on top of some crates. I tried to get to it, but my feet were also tied to the chair. Oh shit.

Then, the door began to open. I tried to ask who's there, but yet again, only muffled sounds came out. And when the door opened, I saw...


I looked for Amanda, with Sammy tagging along. We searched everywhere: the park, the streets, even a few buildings. Then I remembered that she went to the docks. So that's where we're headed, now. God! I'm so stupid, and forgetful, that I almost forgot where she went.

When we got there, I saw a dark figure of a man. He was standing on one of the ships, looking out at the sea.

"Megan." Sammy whispered, I can tell that he is very much alert. I mean, the man did look a bit sketchy, even if his back is turned from us. "Is he a bandit?"

"I don't know." I answered Sammy. "But I think that it'd be best if we avoid him."

"Yeah." He said. "But there must be something that he's guarding on the boat that he's standing on."

As much as I hate the idea... Sammy might be onto something. I mean, he might be guarding something on that ship. Or if not something, someone. For all we know, he might be holding Amy captive in that ship.

So I just sighed, and said, "You might be right. I have to investigate this. For all we know, he might be holding Amanda captive in there."

He just nodded, as I continued. "But I need you to stay here. Don't go anywhere. Just keep stay away from the shady man, or better, hide from him. Kay?"

"Okay." Sammy said. "I promise to stay safe, and I promise to avoid the creepy man."

"Good." I said. "I trust you."

Then I left him, and began my investigation.

I snuck past the figure, which was slightly easy, and made my way towards the captain's quarters. I opened the door, thank God it wasn't locked. I slowly pushed the door, trying to avoid making any noise, as much as possible. Then I slowly pushed it back, but not enough to close the door, in case I needed a fast escape.

I began to look around, dug through a few crates and boxes. I even found a few supplies. I also looked inside some of the rooms, but I couldn't find Amy.

I was just about to give up, when I heard some muffled sounds coming from the last room that I hadn't checked, yet.

I slowly walked to the door. And as I neared the door, I felt my heart pounding. 'What if it's a zombie?' I thought. 'Or a trap, waiting for an idiot like me?'

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