Chapter IX

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On our way to the docks, we saw someone walking in the distance. At first I thought it was Sammy, but as we went closer -to the silhouette of the person- I realized that this person wasn't Sam, since this guy is obviously taller than him.

As Amanda and I got even closer, Amanda nudged me, and I nodded in response. The person pacing around is Chris...

We hid behind a bunch of crates, and waited for Chris to go near the crates, where we were hiding. And when he did, Amanda jumped out from behind the crates, where she caught him off guard, causing him to fall on his ass.

I snuck behind him, as he stood up. Then I handcuffed him.

"Where are you keeping Sammy?" Amanda said, in a dangerously calm yet furious voice. I was shocked to see her like this. I mean, why wouldn't I be, right? It was just yesterday when she met Sammy... But I guess since he is just an innocent little 11 year old, he pretty much has Amanda's trust already.

Chris didn't answer. He seemed to be... thinking? About what? Is he plotting something? The fuck-?

Amanda took him by the shirt, and furiously shook him while raising her voice, "Hey! Answer me! Where the fuck is Sammy?!"

"Amanda, calm down!" I said, trying to make her put him down. I mean, he's already handcuffed, what damage can he still do?

"How the fuck can I calm down, when this motherfucker kidnapped Sammy!?!" Amanda said, her voice full of anger and concern.

"I hid Sammy. If you want him back, you have to help me fix that ship." Chris suddenly said, in a very calm tone, while using his head to point out the ship.  "I have to leave this island as soon as I can."

"Why?" Amanda asked, getting really suspicious.

"Because I heard that the military is plotting to bomb Seaport. So I have to-" But I cut him off.

"Woah, woah, woah! The fuck did you hear that from?"

"The radio transmitter. That's why I have to leave as soon as I can, and that ship over there... That's the most stable one I can find, but it's still missing some parts." Chris stated.

"Alright, we'll help. But we're not letting you go until you give Sammy back." I stated.

"What?!" Amanda protested.

I sighed and said, "Come with me." Then I looked back at Chris, and told him, "Stay there, or I'll shoot both of your legs."

"Okay, okay, no need to get violent... Jeez!" He exclaimed.

Then I pulled Amanda near the Warehouse that was built near the docks. At the same time, I also kept on looking back at Chris.

"Why are you making a deal with him?" Amanda asked.

"Because, you and I both know that we won't find Sammy in time." I said.

"But, why do you trust him?!" She asked, almost yelling.

"Hey!" I said, almost yelling myself. "I never said that I trust him. It's just that I believe that what he said is true."

"Okay." She said, a bit calmer this time. "But why believe him?"

"Well, it's just that there's that nagging feeling at the back of my head, telling me to believe him. And I do. I believe that he's telling the truth about the military bombing Seaport. I mean, why else would he ask for help?"

She just sighed, and said, "Fine, but I'm only doing this for Sammy..."

"Okay, great. Now let's get back and ask this guy what he needs." I said.

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