Chapter VIII

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The song above is Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne. I suggest you play the song while Sammy is dreaming. But if you don't want to, that's fine. Anyway, here's the chapter. Enjoy!


&Sammy& (so this is before he went missing.)

I went straight to my room, and crashed on my bed. 'Cause, boy was I tired! Once my head hit the pillow, I immediately fell asleep.

'I found myself back at the park. But this time there were people around. "Sammy! Sammy!" I heard someone yell. It sounded somewhat, familiar... In a way.

I turned around and saw someone, a couple, that I never thought I'd ever see again...

I saw my parents...

My mom's blonde hair reflected against the sun, as she ran to me. She hugged me and said, "There you are! Don't ever run off like that again."

I was about to say something but instead my dad said, "We have to leave, now!"

"But, why?" I found myself asking.

"Because..." But my mom wasn't able to finish, because a walker showed up. I wanted to protect her and my father, 'cause I can't loose them. Not again. But instead, I found myself asking, "What's that? Is that a zombie? Is it Halloween already?"

"Uh..." My mom began, but my dad interrupted her by telling me, "No time to explain buddy. We have to go, NOW!"

Then my mom took my hand before I could protest. And we all ran, until we came across a small store. Oh no... Not that... Not again... Not the same memory!

"Hide in there! I'll hold them off!" My dad yelled.

"No! I'm staying with you." My mom protested.

"No! Sammy, Sammy has to be safe. He needs you to be safe." My dad said. Then he kneeled to my height and said, "Sam, stay safe. Promise me that you'll stay safe."

I found myself nodding, for the fact that I wanted to tell them that I can fight with them! I don't want to leave them, nor do I want to think that this is a dream... But I can't... This isn't real... this is just... A dream... A memory... Of when my parents died, protecting me... While I just helplessly watched them get killed.

Tears, began to form in my eyes, as my mom pulled me to the store. I can still remember this happening, me crying 'cause I knew why my dad is saying goodbye, while my mom is pulling me to the store.

She pushed me inside and locked the door from the outside. I found a window, and peeked through it. Then I saw my parents, they were distracting the walkers from going to the store. I wanted to look away, but no matter how hard I tried I can't shield what happened next.

While my dad was distracting a walker, he was bit on the shoulder. He yelled in pain and my mom got distracted by my dad's scream. She turned around to my dad kneeling on the floor and being bit by more walkers, but at this point I stopped assuming that he's just being bit. He's already slowly being devoured by walkers.

Then my mom suddenly yelled an ear-peircing scream. My head immediately snapped at her direction and I saw her laying on the ground being bit and slowly devoured by a horde of walkers.

I looked back at my dad and he was almost already skinless, gutless, and organless. I looked back at my mom and she was almost at the same situation as my dad.

A fountain of tears fell down my face. I turned around, not wanting to see my parents get ingested by the walkers. I began to cry... Then I saw a shadow of a person, standing in front of me.

I woke up, to see the guy that kidnapped Amanda (I think his name is Chris?) standing beside me, forming a shadow from the light coming from the window. But before I could call for help, he covered my mouth with some sort of handkerchief, and I began to feel dizzy. The last thing I saw is Chris frowning while mouthing what I think are the words, "Lime dawny." ? Then I blacked out.

&Megan& (Now back to the continuation.)

"What!?!" I silently yelled, so that I wouldn't attract any walkers outside.

"I don't know!"Amanda answered back, clearly frustrated. "He was there when I checked on him last night, but when I went to his room this morning to check up on him, he was gone!"

"Shit, shit, shit! This cannot be happening!" I panicked. I mean, of course I'd panic! The kid is eleven! Sure, he can take care of himself, but he may have been kidnapped! Fucking hell! If he was kidnapped by that son of a bitch, I swear to God! Ugh! We have got to look for Samuel.

"Yeah, I can't belive it! If he was kidnapped by Chris, I swear that guy is going to get it!" Amanda said, with pure rage.

I have a feeling that she actually cares about Sammy, but he is a kid and he trusts us as much as I trust him. I know that, considering the fact that he shared the story of how he saw his parents died, with me. It must've been very traumatizing for a kid like him to see his parents slowly get devoured by walkers.

"Well, we have got to find Sammy. And I think I know where we can look first." I said, getting an idea.

Amanda and I looked at each other, and at that moment I knew that we both had the same crazy idea. So, I guess we're going back to the docks.


Welp! That's the end of this insane chapter! Fina- Oh! I almost forgot! You guys are still reading. Hehehe😅

Anywho! Hey guys! I think I just thought of a nickname for you all. I think I'll call you guys... Foreves! That's probably because my username is iPercabethForever... But, meh.

So in this chapter I guess we found out how Sammy's parents died. And that was very... Eventful(?)... Yeah, let's stick with that.

Anyway, why do you think Amanda and Megan are going back to the docks? And why the fuck did Chris say "Lime Dawny" (if that's what he even said)? If you know the answer, which I know you do, (in the first question, at least) then please leave a comment after the beep.



Anyway, going back... Now where were we? Oh right! The goal.... Nah I'll just update when I feel like it... So I guess I'll just end this here?


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