Chapter 1

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Anakin Skywalker's pov

Slowly, I walk through the hallways of The Jedi Temple, searching for someone I can talk to, hoping that doing so will cure my boredom.

I know that my former Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, would suggest that I meditate during this spare time, but I would rather do anything else. Sitting by myself in a room where the only things to do are thinking or hoping that the force will have something to show me is not my idea of a good time.

I walk through three more hallways, which, much to my disappointment, are all empty.

At the times when I don't want to talk to anyone The Temple is crawling with Jedi, but of course, now that I am looking for someone to talk to, everyone is nowhere to be seen.

I aimlessly walk through two more hallways. Unsurprisingly, no one is here.

At this point, I don't even care where I am going. I just want to find Obi-Wan. It has been a week since I last saw him, due to The Council sending him after General Grievous again. Just like all the other times, Grievous got away.

I walk through another hallway only to find myself in front of the door to The Jedi Council Chambers. How did I end up here?

Not having anything better to do, I stop outside the door. Through the force, I feel great unease coming from most of the Jedi Masters in there. What could be causing them to feel this way?

Before I can take any more time to wonder why they are feeling uneasy, the double doors open, welcoming me inside.

I take a deep breath, suddenly feeling nervous, then step inside.

As I stand in front of several Jedi Masters, I have to try extremely hard to hold in a laugh. I said that I wanted to talk to someone, so here I am, now preparing myself to have a conversation with members of The Jedi Council.

My eyes sweep over the Jedi, searching for Obi-Wan. Only seconds later I see him in his usual spot, giving me a small smile. I can't help but smile back, so glad to see him again.

My smile grows larger as Master Yoda says, "Skywalker. A mission for you, we have."

"What do you need me to do?" I ask, trying to lessen the smile on my face, but as my excitement builds, it is impossible.

"We think that there is a Sith on Tatooine. We want you to find this Sith. If you do find them, we need you to report back. Do not to engage the Sith, Skywalker. Once they are found, we will send more experienced Jedi to help you defeat them," Master Mace Windu says.

Normally Master Windu doubting me would make me feel frustrated, but right now, I am just glad that they trust me enough to send me on this mission by myself.

"What if they are not Sith?" I ask after several seconds of thinking, unsure how they would know for certain that there is a Sith on Tatooine.

"If they aren't, we still want you to report back to us," Obi-Wan says, not answering my question fully.

Instead of asking him to elaborate like I want to, I simply say, "I will."

After several seconds of silence, unable to take it any longer, I ask, "When do I go to Tatooine?"

"Gather your things, then leave immediately. If there really is a Sith on Tatooine, we must act quickly, before they decide to hurt anyone," Obi-Wan says, looking a little worried, but I can't tell if he is worried about me or the people of Tatooine. Probably both.

"Thank you," I say after a few seconds of hesitation, not knowing what else to say.

"You may go, Skywalker," Master Windu says after several seconds of just looking at me, seeming like he was waiting for me to say more.

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