Chapter 4

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He woke up the following morning with her on his mind before his eyes were fully open. When he was more awake, he remembered he'd left her on the sofa. He threw back the covers stopping to pull on his jeans before opening the bedroom door. He knew before he reached the sofa that she was gone. The blanket had been folded neatly and the pillow returned to its place. Was she okay? How did she get to her car and then home? He called Sam. Sam had not heard from her. Did he have her number? Wait, she was going into the office at 11:30 for the meeting with Karen. What time was it? He grabbed his phone and saw that it was already 10. He called Sam again and told him he'd need car service to Modest at 10:45.

She walked in at 11:15 and he stepped quickly back behind the wall so as not to seem too eager. She greeted Karen who told her what room they'd meet in and encouraged her to go on back. There was none of that vulnerability he'd seen the night before. He had talked with Karen about concocting a story to delay her arrival for the meeting. After giving Lillie a couple of minutes to settle in, he casually strolled by the door as if to pass it up, took a step back and knocked. She looked up and immediately blushed.

"Good morning," he said.

"Hi," she responded.

"May I come in?" he asked.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"Is everything okay? I wasn't sure what to think this morning."

She was repeatedly flipping an ink pen over in her hands.

Not looking at him she said, "I woke up about 4:00 and called a cab to take me to my car. I didn't want my dad or Sarah to worry."

"Was that the only reason you left?"

"Umm . . . last night was . . . like . . . I just don't know what to say. Maybe I had a little too much to drink or was just overly tired. Perhaps overwhelmed. I'm not sure. Could I just apologize so we can forget about it?"

"Is that what you want, to simply forget about the whole evening?"

Harry closed the office door for added privacy. He didn't think many people we're in yet since they were meeting later, but you never knew. He walked to where she stood and took the pen from her hands.

"I want to see what is so interesting about your hands."

She turned up her palms and shrugged as if he'd expected an answer. His laugh caused her to look up. Why was he always in her space? She attempted to step back, but was against the table. He put one hand on her waist and the other on her back to pull her toward him. She raised her hands to keep distance between them but they came to rest on his chest. When she looked away, he quietly said her name.

"I thought about you before I opened my eyes this morning. The first thing on my mind was last night's kiss and when I found you gone, I couldn't think about anything but seeing you again," he said without once looking away.

She felt the intensity of the moment but didn't know how to respond.

"Harry, please."

He dropped his hands and stepped away from her. She didn't think she wanted that either. She clasped her hands behind her back to hide her nervousness.

"Harry, I don't know how to do this."

"Maybe you're overthinking, maybe you just need to let things happen." He moved close to her again. This time he waited for her to come to him. She placed her hands on his chest and looked into his eyes. She was wearing low heels today so he had to lower his head to touch her lips. He felt her arms tighten around his waist. He broke the kiss first, but when she attempted to step back, he held her firmly. She was still, her gaze fixed on the open neck of his shirt.

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