Chapter 5

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Lillie arrived at the hotel just after 6:00. She pulled to the entrance where the car service had dropped her, Harry, and Sam off the night before. The valet took her elevator key and swiped it to confirm she was authorized to use the VIP entrance. She grabbed her purse and handed him the keys to the car. The elevator was just inside and she was quickly on the third floor. Harry's suite was on the far end of the hallway. She walked slowly in hopes of calming her nerves before she faced him again.

After twice knocking and receiving no response, she turned to leave. She'd taken a couple of steps when the door opened and there he stood shirtless. His hair was wet and he had a towel hanging over his shoulder.

"Sorry, I got tied up and just got back," he explained. "Come in. I won't be but a moment. Go ahead and look through the menu. I'll be right back."

She didn't have a chance to respond because he turned and walked back to the bedroom. She went over to the window where she had stood the night before, but noticed the vertical blinds to the right of the window and realized that must be the door to the balcony. The blinds pulled back easily and she took in a surprised breath. A table had been covered with a white cloth and a grouping of candles sat in the middle around a beautiful flower arrangement. Three small side tables held various sizes of candles as well. Two loungers had been placed side by side away from the table.

She opened the door and went out into the night air. Glad that she had purchased the coat, she pulled it tighter around her. An envelope with her name on it was laying on the table. Had he meant for her to open it now or should she wait? She didn't need to decide because he walked out to join her.

"What do you think? Is it too cold out?"

"No, I brought a coat," she said.

"Do you always travel with extra clothes?"


"You aren't wearing what you had on earlier."

"Neither are you."

He laughed. He was glad to see she was in a light-hearted mood. It would make for an enjoyable evening.

"Well, do you know what you would like?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't looked at the menu yet." She had left it on the table inside along with her purse. "It's on the table. I'll get it."

He was standing between the table and the doorway. She brushed against him as she went back inside. He followed her in and took the menu from her hand before she'd had a chance to open it.

"Could we talk? It's still early. We can order dinner a little later."

Now she was really nervous. What was on his mind? She wasn't sure what she wanted from him.

"Ok," she said.

"Lillie, I'm not sure what is happening here. I don't think you're clear about it either. I really like you and I hope you feel the same about me," he said looking at her for a response.

"Harry," she said a little breathlessly. She swallowed the panic that had begun to creep up when they first came in from the balcony. The room suddenly seemed so confining. Was it too warm? She pulled off her jacket and placed it over the back of one of the chairs.

He waited for her to tell him what she thought or give him some sign as to the course of action he should take. This girl had been weighing on his mind all day. Perhaps if he got a little closer to her, he could figure out what that something was that was making him a little more than crazy. He'd taken a chance that she was at The Bloc this afternoon. He wanted to see her away from the office, see how she reacted to him. She'd left him even more confused by basically asking him to leave after she'd accepted his dinner invitation.

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