Chapter 8

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When she woke up the next morning, she was alone in bed. The clock display showed 8:26, but what caught her eye was a note anchored under its base. She slipped it from under the clock and rolled onto her back.

Dear Lillie,

I was called in for a meeting to discuss an issue with the Orlando concert. I should return between 10 and 10:30. You'll find breakfast choices from room service on the counter and in the refrigerator. Cleaning service is coming at 3:30 this afternoon, so we will need to be out of their way. I thought we might go to the Fine Arts Museum. There is an exhibit of photography. Hope you slept well.

Missing you already,


Throwing back the covers, she rolled to a sitting position, stretched and got up. After going to the bathroom, she slipped on the robe hanging from a hook on the back of the door. His scent was still on the material causing her to pull the robe tighter around her body. When she opened the bedroom door, something smelled familiar. She was excited to find blueberry scones still warm in the packaging from room service. That meant he hadn't been gone very long. She placed the scone on a paper towel and carried it along with her coffee in to the sofa and took a seat. The television screen lit up when she pushed the power button on the screen. She selected the NBC channel just in time to see the promo for the band's televised Universal Studio concert.

She would be there doing what she loved and spending time with the guy she . . . what? Three days . . . three days . . . but she felt she had known him, somehow, for far longer. A newscaster appeared on the screen for the morning's entertainment report. "Here's the guy who hasn't been spotted out with anyone except male friends for months. This picture was taken outside of Cicada's last night. The beautiful girl is not anyone we recognize. Speculation is rampart that she may be the reason he's been laying pretty low lately. Anyway, we'll be keeping an eye out for Mr. Styles and this lovely . . ."

She grabbed her phone, disconnected the charger and turned it on. The notifications came one-after-another. In moments, her phone began to ring. She chose to ignore the ringing for the text messages. Sarah, her dad, her friends, acquaintances, a girl who only had her number because they worked on a project together, and Harry.

If you've turned on the tv, please do not panic. Everything will be fine. I'm leaving the meeting early and will be there shortly.

He sent two more text messages, one to let her know he'd left Modest and another to let her know he was on his way in.

She was as white as a ghost when he walked in the door. Her coffee and scone sat on the coffee table untouched. She handed him her phone and immediately got up to leave the room, but before she could slip past him, he put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. She put her arms around his neck and he immediately felt warm tears on his skin. Her phone display showed a number of missed calls and a significant number of unread text messages. It continued to blink as new messages came in. He laid the phone face down on the coffee table without letting go of her. One hand held her while the other caressed her back in an attempt to comfort her. She wasn't making a sound, but his shirt collar was becoming increasingly damp.

"Lillie, Lillie, shushushu . . . it's okay . . . we'll be fine. Come on. Look at me. Lillie," he said more insistently.

He let go of her long enough to get the box of tissues and settle her on the sofa. She initially began to dab at her eyes and cheeks but buried her face in a tissue and began to cry again. He knew he would have to let her get it out. No doubt she was experiencing many emotions, but the vulnerability would be the thing she feared. She was leaning forward hiccupping from the tears. One of his hands held the tissue box while the other stroked her back as he murmured reassurances to her.

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