II. October 23, 2014

19 1 0


Margo was a freshman in high school and still sort of depressed. So, she thought she'd start helping people on twitter spam. She always saw people trying their best to get a follow or rt from the boys and thought maybe if she helped they'd get the follow.

She began talking to a few people on twitter and helped them. One day she saw a person she follows tweet some one named @MichaelMyAngel3 and wished her a happy birthday. So, she tweeted her.

"@MichaelMyAngel3: Hey! I don't know you but happy birthday! I hope your fav follows you!"

Kenzi tweeted her a thank you and then she and Margo began to tweet each other. Margo made a really crappy edit of Mikey for her but Kenzi seemed to like it. They sent each other dm's that night, introducing themselves.

The next day they began to talk and get to know each other. They began tweeting each other and then came up with the idea to include Harry and Mikey into their tweets. Maybe they'd have a chance at getting noticed by the boys!

That's the moment they became friends.


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