V. FOUR//Once in A Lifetime & Zayn

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One Direction had came out with their FOUR album and Kenzi and Margo were dead! Margo had listened to a few songs and kenzi listened to a few but she wanted them to both listen to Once In A Life time together. Luckily, neither of then had heard it yet.

They skyped and literally screamed, cried, and fangirled so hard! But sadly , the fandom went through a horrible time! Sometime during spring, Margo was in Arizona visiting her grandpa. Her and kenzi stayed up late the night before talking on the phone about how they hope Zayn was okay. Margo woke up at 11:30am that day. She checked her phone and saw the someone whom she followed on twitter tweeted how they miss Zayn.

She didn't really think much of it and proceeded to the bathroom for a shower. She had a feeling that something was up but ignored it. After she was dressed she went on twitter and then she felt like her whole world fell apart.

Zayn quit the band.

At first she didn't believe it but then she read the post on their official facebook page and she wanted to cry. She let a few tears drop but she knew she couldn't until she got back home. She talked to Kenzi and they were both devasted.

Once she was home her mom knew and comforted her. Kenzi and Margo soon got over it but they have the memories.

But then the four boys surprised them and went on, being the best they could have ever been.


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