IV. Christmas

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It'd been two months since they both met. December had finally came and both of them were extremely excited! Hot chocolate, Christmas decorations, Santa stealing your cookies and milk! Who wouldn't want that?

Fast forward two days before x-mas. Margo was visiting her older sister. Margo was really depressed. Everything at the moment were things that were too much for her to handle, bad things. She was ready to "go" if you get what I mean. She had wrote out letters to her friends, parents and sisters, and Kenzi.

By then Kenzi and Margo had each others numbers. Margo messaged her what she had put on the letter. Margo was crying in her sisters guest room (she had told her mom she was "tired").

In the end Kenzi stayed up all night helping Margo and talked her out of doing something she would have regretted.

Christmas came and Kenzi had told Margo she was going to send her something (even thought Margo always insists she doesn't need too because just no!?). Well, she stuck too it. Kenzi sent Margo the If I Stay book, two friendship bracelets, and a cute Disney x-mas card.

Margo had been at her grandmas' house a few extra days after x-mas and when she got home her package was waiting for her. Kenzi had told Margo to Skype her when she opens it. Margo did and when she saw what it was she flipped and wanted to cry because Kenzi was amazing.

That's when they became biscuits!


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