VII. Music & September 24th!

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One Direction came out with Drag Me Down, 5 Seconds Of Summer with She's Kinda Hot, and Kenzi and Margo died!? Margo was 15, Kenzi was 16.

They had both been super busy and stressed with school work but, they found time to talk and be crazy! Kenzi was a bit stressed with her schooling and with college just around the corner! It was hectic. Kenzi had a job and Margo was a potato!

Soon it was September. Margo's birthday was just around the corner. Kenzi kept telling her she was going to get her a b-day present (A/N: Which Margo told her not to but kenzi wouldn't listen and blam!).

Margo had been obsessed with Michael Jackson ever since she was 9 and come on, Michael Jackson is bae! Then, September 24th, Margo's b-day. Her sister had cut her hair, did her make-up (A/N: because margo can't do make-up or her eyebrows worth a crappo!), and she was finally 16.

Her friends and everyone had complimented her that day , which made her a bit more confident, and told her happy birthday. Later on she had a small thing with her mom, aunt, sis, brother-in-law, niece and nephew. Everything was perfect!!

Until October 1st.


To be continued!

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