✨ October 11, 2015 ✨

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Dear Kenzi,

Hey! Hope your day is amazing!
So... YESTERDAY WAS AMAZE BALLS!!! I actually got along with every single one of my cast mates and we all came together and were like this huge group and I loved it.

I came out of my shell and was loud on stage and Mrs. Fufu was so proud of me and so were my friends!?! We got 4th place but that was amazing for our first performance !!!

We went to braums (an ice cream place) in the city after was were done. I was crazy and my friends and I almost peed ourselfs haha! Once we were on the road again we all started rapping and Mrs. Fufu was like, "this is the most I've heard you say since you were in my ckass?!", so yeah I really did come out if my shell!?

Then my friends and I began telling ghost stories and I was scared and holding onto my friend iris till we made it to the school!

Once I got home I went to my room and slept like no tomorrow! But it was truly amazing! I wish you were there with me!! I miss you! Ily and thanks for listening to me!

~ Margo xx

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