VI. 2k15 & Unfortunately, death

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It was the new year. Kenzi and margo had skyped until midnight on New Years Eve and were acting like crazy people!

It was the start of a brand new year, and with that means brand new things. Margo is a Sophomore this year and at the start she made a promise to be positive and confident. Well, she was the first day of school. After a few days she notice a lot of her friends changed. And sadly, something horrible happened, again.

It was August. One day her sister called and told her mom that their cousin was in the hospital. He had been severely burnt in a house fire and was in ICU. They went up to see him and were praying all day and night. About a day or two passed and unfortunately, she got a call that he had passed away. Margo's family and herself were all devastated. She was broken.

Everyone was stressed the day it happened and long story short. Her mom and sister got in a huge argument. It didn't end well and Margo ended up having a panic attack. Family problems happened but were resolved once they got to the funeral. Her family had been through this four times before and prayed this would be the last.

Things settled down, but didn't get much better. Her friends gave their condolences, and it seemed as if they were a whole group again. But, nothing goes the way anyone wants it too. One of her friends began to act different, Jenny. ( A/N: I'm not going to put her name but just know she's based on a real person )

Jenny hung out with Margo and their reject group 24/7 until she slowly started hanging with her other friends. Which, is okay because they all had their other friends they talked too. But, Jenny began having this kind of mean attitude. Now, Margo began feeling depressed again. Luckily she had a few friends that still hung out with her. Jenny ended up ignoring Margo and was mad at her. Margo didn't know why and that hurt and confused her.

One day, Margo was tired of not know why Jenny didn't like her and she asked. Jenny acted absolutely mad and annoy of Margo. She told Margo that she was mad because she complained all the time and she was finally tired of it. She made it seem like Margo was the only one who had problems and that's how she felt.
Margo apologized and then they went their separate ways. Margo went home and broke down. Things had seemed to be going wrong lately. She finally told her mom how she felt.

She hated herself. She hated life. But, she prayed, which helped her. Her mom helped her through it and it seemed fine after that. She told kenzi about it all and she helped Margo so much!

She began smiling more and being more happy. She really got into youtube and youtubers. She began to watch Michelle Phan (A/N: QUEEN AF ). Michelle is this really positive and beautiful person, inside and out! She has these amazing ideas and vibes and Margo began taking her advice on positive energy!

She was finally happy


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