✨ October 21, 2015 ✨

4 1 0

2 more days


Dear Kenzi,

Hey, I'm writing while I wait for the bus. I'm so sleepy but I don't have to be in my first few classes because the sophomores are going to visit some place and like yeah. I'm doing okay I guess, yesterday wasn't so good. I'm so stressed about Spanish. We have to make a family tree but everything has to be in spanish. It's due by Friday andi don't even know what to say or how to do it! My Spanish teacher moves so fast I don't even know what day it is!

My friends are friends. Jenny went back to not talking to me, like I suspected.

"Nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same"

I don't get why so tired but, I'll get over it :)

Talk to you later! Love ya!

~ Margo xx


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