✨ October 8, 2015 ✨

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Dear Kenzi

Hey! How was your day! Mine was amazing! I was in our school play and I was really nervous but I did it! It was so fun, I was amazingly happy!

I came home to find a package waiting for me!!!!! Kenzi!! I love ya soo much! You sent me a poster of one direction for my birthday and it was so so SO beautiful!?

AH I FEEL SO HAPPY!!! You must think I'm bipolar huh? But, I have my good and bad days... Today was great!

Jenny decided to talk to me today. She was acting as if we hadn't even gotten in an argument at all. It made me confused but I was kind if glad to be honest. I treated her nicely though, I can't be mean to people even if they hurt me. But, the play we amazing!

This Saturday we are going to some town but we have to be at the high school by 6:30 am!! and then we should get back at like 9 pm... Omf.

I'm really excited! I hope I there will be some really cute guys there !

Well, I better go! Thanks again so much for the gift I loved it so much! With all my heart! You're truly amazing!

~ Margo x

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