Diary Entry Forty Nine: The End of All Things

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November 26th, Sunday
Dear diary,

I told Pete no.

My friends still hate me and won't talk to me. What did I do? Why do they hate me? Am I really a bad person?

I'm extremely skinny and no one's worried. I weigh about 76 pounds. Is that bad for a fifteen year old boy? I think it is. Oh well. Not like anyone cares at all.

I want to die... My life is horrible and I want to die. I want the end of all things. Well, for me. I just... I want to end myself because it's too late for me. Everyone hates me and I don't understand why...

Xoxo, Mikey

Xoxo, Mikey (Petekey, Rikey, Patkey.)Where stories live. Discover now