September 5th, Tuesday
Dear diary,Pete doesn't love Ray. Oops. When I asked though, Pete blushed. I wonder why...
I got beat up again today. This sucks so bad. Ughh!!
Oh, and Gerard likes Frank but he's being a pansy and won't tell him. Like, whenever there's some kind of tension in the air when they're right there, and it's all awkward and they're blushing and shit, I just wanna yell, "FUCKING KISS ALREADY GODDAMN IT!"
So ughhhhhh!!!!
Xoxo, Mikey
Xoxo, Mikey (Petekey, Rikey, Patkey.)
Fanfiction(Mikey Way's Diary) August 28th, Monday Dear diary, Well, I'm your new owner! I'm going to write my feelings in here and stuff. I'm starting my first day of my new high school today. Well, that's about it for now. Xoxo, Mikey [Peterikeyick]