Diary Entry Nineteen: The Note

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September 21st, Thursday
Dear diary,

I'm a wreck.

Ray's dead.

I'm so confused. I'm so upset. I feel so... I don't know.

His suicide note was for me specifically. I will write it down.


Don't think that this is your fault, please. I'm so sorry, but... I guess this is how it has to be. I still have feelings for you, but I know we couldn't ever be together. Not after I told my parents. I shouldn't have, and so it's my fault that we had no choice but to break up. I know how you feel about Pete, though, and I respect that. I know this is the worst suicide note ever. Well, um, I'm running out of room to write, so... Goodbye, Mikey.

- Ray

PS. I love you.

This is so hard to deal with... I... I have to... I said I'd try not to but... I'm sorry...

Xoxo, Mikey


This is the longest chapter and lmao I'm still going nineteen fucking chapters god oh well its prob bc they're short lmao okay don't hate me for Ray's death I'm sorry I love you guys ok bye


Xoxo, Mikey (Petekey, Rikey, Patkey.)Where stories live. Discover now