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Mikes POV
Next day
I woke up this morning and the first thing I thought off was marry.I looked over at my phone and I saw a message from Tatiana. I quickly got dressed and read the message at the same time."hey mike meet me at our spot love Tatiana"I rushed so I could get done to meet her.I brushed my hair and made sure I looked fine.

I ran out the door making sure non of the body guards saw me.I ran out the bushes at the back and made my way to our spot.I saw her standing there in a pretty white dress she looked amazing.I walked up to her slowly and gave her a shock.
"Hey Michael"
"So why do you need to see me?"
"Well umm I kinda think we should break up.."
"What why!!!"
"Well its just not working for me"
"Why!!was it me?"
"No no its just not."
"Ummm.. "
"I am sorry Michael"

She ran off fast I couldn't even stop her.I tried but she was gone already.I walked back to the house with a huge pain in my head.I layed down on my bed just thinking about her,but not for long.suddenly I started thinking about marry again.her beautiful smile and eyes.what's wrong with me?

That's why she was so upset with me the other day!!she was jelouse and mad that I am not single. I think she likes me but I am going to act sum still.I am going to meet her right now and tell her that we broke up.

Marrus POV
I am at home cleaning up the dishes and suddenly I got a text from mike."hey can I pleases come over today?"I started texting back"ya sure!!"I quickly ran to my room trying to make myself look better than I did.suddenly I heard mikes car.he was coming up the steps and I was running around like a crazy person.

Knock knock!!
I opened the door and mike had a huge smile on his face.
"Hey mike!"
"Come in and please take a seat!!"
"Here's some juice"
"I like your house its cozy"
"Thanks so why did you wanna talk?"
"Well I just wanted to tell you me and Tatiana broke up!"
"Well she actually broke up with me because she said it wasn't working."
"I am sorry mike"
"Its OK!"
"I will be right back!"

I ran into the room and closed the door.I jumped on top of the beds and danced around singing my own little happy song.I was over the moon with energy and joy.I can't believe it!!I actually have a chance now!!I quickly tidy my self up a bit and go back inside.I have to play it cool or he will know.

"So how are you feeling after that mike?"
"I actually feel better and free!"
"Ya come on!!"
He dragged me off my seat and he started dancing with me on his side.he moonwalked across the lijvoing room floor and did his side glide to.I just laughed and stood aside."come on marry!!"I just shook my head and watched.he pulled me closer to him and started spinning me around the house.

It was really fun he did a dip and pulled me back up.I looked into his eyes and he looked in my,it felt like the world was just standing still.I was inches away from his lips and suddenly Vanessa walked in the house.
"Oh hi mike!! Am I interrupting?"
"No no we we're just dancing!"
"Oh sounds fun."
"Vanessa can I talk to you?"

In pulled her into the next room.
"What's wrong?"
"He and her broke up!"
"What really!!"
"Ya I have a chance!!"
"Omg yes!!"
"I am so happy!"
"Con get your man!!"
We walked out the room as if nothing had happened.

Mikes pov
Marry seemed very happy when I told her the news but she was just trying to act calm but she wasn't at all.we sat down for a while chatting about our lives and stuff.while we were talking all I could think about was if we are going to go out or not and how will I ask her.I think I am gojnbg to ask her on tour.

"Well mike when are we going on tour?"
"Next week Monday?"
"Well I better start packing."
"Hah ya well this has been great!"
"Ya it has!"
"I will see ya soon?"
"Ya of course!"

We hugged and me and him isn't want to let go.he ran down stairs and jumped into his limo fast before anyone saw him.he drove off and I felt my heart beat out of my chest.I just didn't want him to leave.I can't wait for the tour coming up.I just looked on my phoine at his number and I had butterflys all in my stomach.

I suddenly had a feeling inside me.I heard a made up beat in my head and I started humming it.I recorded it because it sounded really good.I grabbed my note book and started writing down lyrics to this songf that was bursting out of me.I just couldn't write the words down fast enough they just wanted to all come out!!

It was a song about him or her giving you butterfly's.I loved the song and I just wanted to give it to mike now.I will show him when we are at practice.

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