chapter 33

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Mikes POV

I just woke up and someone is right on top of me.I looked at who it was but her face was turned towards the door.I liked over at the door and there stood a very angry marry.I moved a bit and the girl turned towards was Vanessa right on top of me.I pushed her off fast and jumped up.

"Where am I?"

"Oh hi mike can't you remember what we just did?"

"No and I don't think I want to!"

"We just had the best time of our lives!"

I ran over to marry and tried to talk to her.

"Marry I have no idea whats going on!I just woke up I swear!"

"Ya sure mike!"

"I promise me why do you think I would ever do something like this?!"

"People can change mike!"

"The last thing I can remember is me sitting at home after cleaning up the yard....then she came and poured me a glass of water now I am here!"

"Believe what you want to believe mike!"

"No wait please dont leave me!"

"Don't you or you Vanessa ever talk to me ever again until you mike,can prove to me you still love me!"


I ran outside after her in the pouring rain.she jumped in the car and drove off fast and I couldn't catch up.I fell to the floor in the rain and just sat there crying.I didn't know what to do.I just sat there longing for her missing her and now because of this august and I will be torn apart.I got back up and walked back to the room.

"What the hell Vanessa!"

"Your so silly mike and so is she we actually didn't do anything!"


"Ya I just made it look that way since you have been stealing my bff from me she never has time for me anymore!"

"Why why didn't you just say so!"

"Because.... I just didn't and now you two will never be together!"

"How did you do this?"

"I poured something into your water that would make you sleepy!"

"You no I can't swear."

"Well I have to get going lock up when your done OK?"

She walked out into the rain with a brown coat around her.I just sat on the end of the bed with my head in my hands just thinking of ways to get her back.I have to do something now and fast!

Marry POV

I drove home fast after what just happened.I was furious and crying at the same time.why would mike do this to me?maybe what he said is true about her doing something to her!or maybe that's just want he wants me to think!Vanessa my own bff would do something like this to me.

I arrived at the house soon after the short drive.I rushed inside and woke up august

"Come on honey we need to go!"

"Where mommy!?"

"Somewhere else!"


I ran to my room and packed my bags before mike could get back here.august was packing her stuff to but she didn't take all her stuff.she thought she was coming back soon.we were finished and we Dan out to the car.we hopped in and drove off to my old house.Vanessa doesn't live here anymore luckily.

We arrived at my old apartment. We rushed upstairs and went into my old room.august walked in and put down her small barbie bag.she walked around and explored the apartment. She sat down in front of the TV and I put on barney for her.I was so tiered I just sat on my bed.I checked my phone and mike called me at least 20 times.

I went to my contact list and looked for Vanessa's name.I deleted it right off my phone I didn't want anything to do with her anymore.I,put my phone down and changed out of these wet clothes into my dry and warm PJs.I helped august put on hers and then tucked her in.

"Good night honey!"

"Mommy where's daddy!?"

"Umm he's out of town!"

"Oh I miss him a lot mommy!"

"Ya ya so do I honey!"

I walked out the room and I almost cried again.I really miss mike he always made me smile and laugh.I looked out the window and looked at the rain.I think its raining because mike is sad.....

Mikes POV

I arrived back at never land and hoped that they were still there.I rushed inside to me and narrys was empty only my stuff was left.I rushed into august room.some of her stuff was gone.I sat on her bed and I found a little note on her counter.I opened it a up and it said

Dear daddy
We went some place els I lov you an mis you!

She's the cutest thing in the world she can't even spell but she still wrote a note to me.I started to cry again and I layed on her bed.I will get them back but how do I prove to her that I love her so much and that I need her back right now.maybe if I can put on a fake show or party happening she will go.....

Then I can project a beautiful video on the big screen.that's it I will pretend there's an important event happening in time square and on the screens I will show a beautiful video I have made for her.I ran to my studio and started working on it straight away. This is going to be amazing!

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