Garmau- Reunited

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Zoey had managed to re-create the portal to Irene's dimension. "Garroth!" Aphmau yelled, seeing her head guard for the first time in 4 months. "Lord Aphmau" he smiled as she ran to him, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him like her life depended on it. "I missed you so much" she whispered. "I wasn't gone for that long, was I?" Garroth asked. "You were here for about 3 months... Before Zoey saved us the first time, it was 15 years" the lord said, still hugging her guard. "15?!" he asked. "Ya... but the village is getting there, it's getting restored" Aphmau said, pulling away. "Oh, good. How about Malachi and Levin? Were they grown up when you returned?" Garroth asked. "Ya, I'm still pretty upset that I missed almost all of their childhood, but Zoey took care of them so they're fine..." she paused. "Are you okay, Lord Aphmau?" Garroth asked. "Ya, but.... is it true? You love me?" she asked. "Um.... ya, I do" he answered quietly. The lord smiled brightly. "Remember when you told me to be with someone who deserved me?" she asked. "Ya... I remember" Garroth answered, scared about what she was going to say next. "I think I found that person" she smiled at him before continuing, "He's really good with the kids, he makes me happy, he's a guard-" "Is it Laurance?" Garroth interrupted. "No, but he does have blue eyes" Aphmau giggled. "Who is it then?" the guard asked but the lord didn't say anything, she just smiled and grabbed him face with her hands then kissed him, he didn't respond for a couple seconds before kissing back. Zoey smiled at the new couple and walked back through the portal to give them privacy. "I love you too Garroth" Aphmau whispered.

Alternate Ending-
"So, do we call you Dad or Garroth?" a voice asked, they both turned to see Malachi and Levin near the portal. 'I'm going to continue calling you Garroth until you get married" Malachi smirked. "Wow, they grew up" Garroth whispered. "My thoughts exactly when I saw then after returning to Phoenix Drop" Aphmau responded and the sort-of new family walked to the portal.

For anyone who doesn't watch Minecraft Diaries or knows what it is, I'll put a montage of it above. But ya, I had to write this because I want Aphmau and Garroth to be reunited even though it's only episode 1 of Season 2. Request ships for the next chapter or I'll just come up with one of my own.

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