Saphael- Dance ((Human AU) part 2)

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A few awkward staring and death glaring later, along with Eli lying to impress their ex-boyfriend, dinner was finally over. Gracias Dios, we can finally leave and hopefully never see this idiot ever again Raphael thought. "Well. this was nice but it's getting late so we should go now" Simon said, grabbing his boyfriend's hand after putting the dishes away. "I wouldn't want to overstay my visit" the dancer added, smirking at Eli, causing Rebecca to snicker. "Oh, that's okay Swe-" Elaine was interrupted by her son talking, "Besides Raph probably wants to do some more unnecessary practicing for Tuesday, I call it unnecessary because they can could do every single dance in their sleep" Raphael shot him a glare and playfully slapped his arm. "If that's how to get Si to shut up, I need to slap him more" Rebecca joked. "Rebecca!" Elaine scolded. "I'm in my 20's mother" she replied. "Usually that's not how Rapha gets me to shut up, he just slapped me because he knows I'm right about him dancing in his sleep, or anyone in the dance group because they basically practice all day so I won't be surprised if any of them or all danced in their sleep, or slept-dance. That's what it would be called, right since I'm almost positive that that has happened before, like I can just imagine Raphael tangoing ou-" Simon was cut off by Raphael kissing him. "That's how you get Simon Lewis to shut up" he said, not taking his eyes or hands off of his boyfriend's face. No one noticed Eli's jaw drop and golf ball eyes go angry. "Once you two are done staring at each other, I'd love to know how you met" Rebecca stated, no response. "That never worked when Simon and I were together, just started fights" Eli mumbled. That seemed to have broke the couple out of their daze. "Well, you weren't gentle with it" Simon pointed out, causing Raphael to glare at Eli and wrap an arm around Simon's waist. "Wha- yes, I was!" Eli argued. "No, you really weren't. Yours was like... 'you talk too much and this is my way of telling you to shut up'" Simon replied. "Wa- Well how is the dancer's any better?!" Eli asked, voice getting louder. "His is more... 'I love you but please stop talking' also Raphael has told me multiple times how he loves it when I ramble, unlike you" he answered, trying to keep his calm. "What makes you think that I don't?!" Eli yelled. "Because you told me!" Simon snapped and the entire house went quiet.

It's unsure how much time went by after the fight, with the tension in the air, it could've been 3 minutes but felt like 90. Raphael was the one to break the silence, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and announcing that they were leaving. "You okay Si?" he asked after they were in the car for almost 3 minutes, still in the driveway. He just made a 'hum' sound. "Do you want to go to your dorm or DuMort?" They waited in a shorter silence until he answered. "DuMort, I don't want Pierce asking questions."

Luckily, they didn't run into any of the other dancers and just went to Raphael's room to go to sleep, or Simon went to sleep, Raphael's sleep schedule was messed up so he waited a couple hours, not leaving the college student's side for even a second.

The next day, on Monday, Clary and Simon still weren't talking to each other after almost 2 months, which was honestly a record for them and a surprise to their friends because they used to be attached to the hip. "Simo-" Clary suddenly said but was shushed by their teacher so she waited until the class was over. "Simon, I'm sorry about what I said. I shouldn't have gottenmad over yourandRaphael's relationship because youwere right, I am likethat with Izzyand... Uh, Forgive me?" she asked in a rush. The male smiled. "Of course I do but doubt my relationship again, I'll do the same to you."

~Time Skip brought to you by Toby the Turkey since it's Thanksgiving when I'm writing this~

It was the day- or night of the contest and The Dance- since they needed a name decided to call themselves that- haven't gone yet but there wasn't much competition seeing as almost every other group had at least one person trip, misstep, or fall of the small stage. Simon doesn't think they'll have a problem considering that they practiced every single dance in any possible position; missing dancers, too big of a stage, too small... If one of them fails for even half a second, I'm going to be disappointed Simon thought, not serious about the disappointed part, only surprised. Simon snuck backstage during the first 6 minutes of the seventh group's 4th dance, finding his boyfriend death-glaring someone who he soon recognized as Eli. "Am I interrupting something?" he jokingly asked, grabbing both of their attention. "Not at all Hun" the inexperienced dancer answered, causing Raphael to send more death glares their way. "Watch it buddy." "Well, I just wanted to wish you good luck Rapha, even though you don't need it" Simon said, trying to ignore the tension filled air as he walked towards his boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "Mm, thank you Si but how did you get back here?" Before Simon could answer, Eli decided it was their turn to talk. "You're not going to wish me luck Simon?" They sounded genuinely hurt. "Well, you already went and the only reason I remember is because your group wasn't very coordinated and kept going in opposite directions, along with many of you almost falling of the stage multiple times before I left" the student stated. "Well, you're in awfully a shady mood, aren'tcha?" Eli asked plainly. "No, he's in a un-talkative mood which is very rare so please don't ruin it for me by saying something stupid again, like you usually do by talking" Raphael answered. "Wow Raphael, rude. I'm leaving" Simon said, failing at hiding a slight smile as he walked back outside to Raphael yelling after him, "Noooo lindo uno! Come baack! I'm sorry!" "Shame.. your boyfriend can't take a joke" Eli said after a moment of silence with the other dancer just grinning at where the student previously was, then rolled his eyes at that statement. "Atleast I can say he's my boyfriend because 3 months is nothing." Then Lily ran up to him to tell him it was their turn.

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