Straubee - Break Up

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Mitchell Straub was editing a video when he heard quiet knocks at his door. Thinking it was the pizza he ordered earlier, he slowly got out of his chair and walked towards the door, grabbing his wallet. "He- Bee?" Instead of a pizza delivery man, it was his best friend. She had stained tears on her face, along with new ones. She had no makeup on, her hair was in a messy ponytail and had a tank top, jeans, and tennis shoes on. She looked like a mess, a pretty mess though Straub thought. "Can I come in?" She asked quietly. "Ya, of course. What's wrong?" Mitchell asked. "Gingy and I broke up" she whispered, sitting on his couch. "Oh Bee, I'm so sorry" he said, pulling her into a side hug. The younger Australian actually felt happy but didn't say it out loud. Straub's had a crush on Bee for a while but since she was with Gingy, he didn't tell her. "I'm the one who ended it. I don't know why I'm so upset" Bee said. "You were together for 6 years, Bee. Doesn't matter who ended it, both of you would be upset," he told her softly. "Ya, I know... Thanks Mitchell" she smiled. "No problem" he whispered, making a new New Years Resolution to himself. Tell Bee his feelings.

I've been planning on writing a Straubee one-shot at some point but couldn't think of anything. Then this came to me on the bus. Since I have nothing to do on here, I just wrote then read it over to see if it made sense or was even good. Anyways, B-Byyyyyeeee

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