Janiel - Past Love (part 1)

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Joey had just finished editing a vlog and gaming video, since it was late, he decided to just go to sleep. Daniel was already asleep when he got to their bedroom.

Around like 3:30 in the morning, Daniel's phone wouldn't stop beeping so Joey woke up to feeling the bed tilt sideways as Daniel was getting up, grabbing his phone and leaving the room, kind of angry. Joey wanted to ask what was wrong because he noticed that Daniel has been extremely irritated for the past 2 days but when he asked about it, Daniel just said that he had a bad day at work. Joey knew he was lying but let Daniel have his space, knowing he might tell him later if he didn't push it. When Daniel returned, his phone wasn't with him and as he got back in bed, Joey heard him mumble "How did he even get my number?" Joey had a hard time going back to sleep after that.

When Joey woke up, Daniel wasn't in bed. He always woke up first. So when Joey got to the kitchen, he expected to see Daniel there but instead he saw a note on the dining room table, next to a plate of breakfast. Joey picked up the note and read it as he ate.

I went to work a little earlier today. Sorry but I'll see you when I get home. Hope you enjoy your breakfast unless Wolf or Storm ate it before you did. Xoxo
Much Love,

Joey frowned, knowing that Daniel usually doesn't go to work unless he's having a bad day. Daniel has told him this before, he didn't want Joey's day to have any negativity before he began so he would leave before he woke up. After breakfast, Joey was about to go upstairs and text his friend, Stacy if she wanted to record some Hunger Games. Before he did, he saw that Daniel's phone was on the kitchen counter. Weird, Daniel never goes to work without his phone He thought as it starting beeping frantically, just like last night. He stared at the phone for a second. If Daniel wanted Joey to know what's going on, he would have told him by now. They never keep secrets from eachother though. What could he be hiding? Joey looked at the clock, seeing that 5 minutes has already passed. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Joey walked to the kitchen, picking up his boyfriend's phone and reading a conversation from 2 days ago.

??: Hey bby
??: Miss me?
D: Who r u?
??: Dont remember me Danny? Im so heartbroken
D: Kyle?!
??: Yep
D: How did u get my number?
??: I have ways... Miss me?
??: Lets not focus on that... What about our love?

At this point Joey couldn't help but be a little jealous. Sure, Daniel obviously didn't like this guy but this Kyle seemed to have quite a history if he's mentioning his and Daniel's "love." After reading a couple messages, Joey felt sick to his stomach and decided to message two of his best friends, Trisha and Shane. They met up at a park, where Joey explained the situation to them. "Let me see the phone" Shane said, Joey gave him Daniel's phone. "Have you read the most resent?" He asked. Joey shook his head. "Read 'em" Shane gave back the phone.

K: Come back to Romania baby
D: NO!!!
K: Why not?
D: I left because of you! WHY WOULD I WANT TO COME BACK?!?!
K: Think of all the fun times we had together

"I think I'm going to be sick" Joey said, putting the phone down. "I know that this isn't a good time to say this but, I actually find it interesting to see you jealous" Trisha said. "Ya... You and Daniel are never jealous... Of anything" Shane pointed out. "I'm not jealous" Joey stated. "Anyways, do you know who this... Kyle is?" Shane asked. "No... Daniel never really talks about Romania or his life there" Joey said. "Do you know anyone who does?" Trisha asked. Joey thought for a minute before grabbing his phone and texting the only person who would know anything about Daniel's life in his home country. Soon, Daniel's beat friend, Hope arrived. "Hey, what's the emergency?" She asked. "Hey Hope," Joey waved as she sat down, introducing her to Trisha and Shane. "Do you anything about Daniel's life in Romania?" Shane asked after they got to know each other a little more. "I know everything about him" Hope stated. "Good," he said and handed her Daniel's phone. She looked confused before reading the text messages. "Oh no" she whispered. "So, You know something about this?" Trisha asked. "Ya... Joey, you gave absolutely NOTHING to worry about. Daniel hates him" Hope said, giving back the phone. "Well, he knows that" Shane stated. "I want to know why and who Kyle is" Joey said. Hope sighed. "Well, Kyle is his ex-boyfriend but I'm sure you found that out already," she said. They nodded. "I honestly don't know the full story because Daniel doesn't like talking about it. But... You know how Daniel was pretty much raised in Boston? Well, after he graduated college, before he came here.. To California. He returned to Romania for like 2 years. When he was there. He met Kyle... Not too long after meeting, they began dating and Daniel was completely in love with him," Hope explained, Joey tensed up upon hearing that. "After 2 years of being together, Kyle was being distant, cheating on Daniel with his boss. When Daniel found out, he was of course, heartbroken...When he told him off, Kyle told the boss that... Um, well... I actually don't know. Daniel didn't tell me, he doesn't like talking about it." Hope bit her lip. Joey just noded along, he couldn't believe that someone would do that to Daniel and that he didn't know anything about it. "Things got ugly pretty fast... Soon, Daniel got fired and he decided to move back to Massachusetts but something happened with the plane, causing it to have to land here. We met, and Daniel fell in love with Los Angeles and chose to stay here." Hope finished. "Wow," Shane said, covering his mouth with his hands. "That's probably why he was so distant when you two met" Hope told Joey. "How long was he here before Joey and Daniel met?" Trisha asked her new friend. "Almost a year... But I was still pretty surprised when he came home, screaming that he met someone with gorgeous eyes," Hope smirked, looking at Joey. "Wait, so... Joey asked him out?" Trisha asked. Hope sent a confused look at her. "I thought Daniel asked him out... I remember Joey calling me, asking if he can come over. When, he did all he would talk about was his date that had the face of a model" Shane stated, Joey's face was completely red at this point.

There is part 1! I'm making this 2 parts because I don't want it to be too long and I can't have the chapter end like this soo.... Ya. I don't update this very often... Sorry! But, I did make a new cover for it! One another note, I have Strep Throat again! Yaaay, I had Strep Throat the last time I was sick, which was in September? I think... Anyways, B-Byyyyyeeee

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