Shisa- Never Stopped

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Shane stared at his phone, his finger hovering over her number. Lisa's number. It's been almost a year since they broke up or even spoke to eachother. Sure, they decided to stay friends but that didn't mean they talked as much as they used to. He regrets breaking up with her, she was everything to him. Shane thought it was for the best but after watching her video on their break-up, he felt a pang of guilt. Lisa was crying the entire time and her support made him feel even worse. And after she said she loved him and that he was her heart and soul, he would never admit that he almost starting crying as much as he did when he moved out after breaking up with her. Stupid! his mind screamed at him after he gave Lisa his key to the apartment. He'll never forget the look on her face when she realized that it wasn't a joke or some sick prank. "Bye Shane," she whispered after he left the apartment. "I'm sorry Lisa," he whispered so quietly that she couldn't have heard him. "You deserve better" he added, when she closed the door, thinking he was gone. Shane snapped back to reality where he was debating about calling her to tell her everything he never got to tell her when they were still together. To tell her that he wanted what's best for her. To tell her he only wanted her to be happy. To tell her that he still loved her, and he always will. He pressed the call button and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" she asked. He hasn't heard that voice in so long, except in her videos. "Hi Lisa," he croaked. "Shane" she sounded surprised, yet happy and relieved? "H-How are you?" she asked. "I'm... I'm" Shane couldn't say he was good or atleast fine. He couldn't bring himself to lie to her. "Are you okay?" she asked again. "I'm-Just... Can I come over? I need to tell you something" he manged to say. "Uh... Sure, but... Isn't it late?" she asked. "Please... It can't wait" he begged, probably sounding desperate. "Alright" she agreed and hung up. Shane got on proper clothes, grabbed his car keys, and was out the door.

At Lisa's apartment, Shane was about to knock before millions of memories rushed into his head and him and his ex-girlfriend. No backing down now his mind told him and he knocked on the door. When Lisa opened the door, Shane tried not to smile. "Um... C-Come in" she shuttered and the second he was in, Corny ran up to him. Lisa smiled, trying not to sound too happy that he was here. She was shocked that he had called after almost a year of not really talking to eachother. Her smile quickly vanished when she remembered his voice during the phone call. It was scratchy and droopy, like he hasn't slept for a couple days, which couldn't be healthy. He also sounded broken and miserable. "So, uh... Sit?" she didn't know what to say. Probably sound like an idiot she thought. "So, Lisa... I-I would like to apologize-" Lisa cut him off. "For what?" You didn't do anything wrong" she said, Shane just shook his head. "No, I did do something" he started. "I made you cry... I never wanted to hurt you Lisa. I... I just wanted what's best for you and secondly, I'm... I" Shane stuttered, not knowing what to say.How do you tell your Ex that you still love them when you're the one who ended it? And over it all, you haven't talked much at all since the break-up. It's not his fault that I fell in love with him... It's not his fault that I still love him the blonde thought, snapping out of her thoughts when Shane turned to her and held her hands, like he did when he told her that he was Bi. "This is going to sound so clique" he murmured. Wait, is he... Lisa wondered but didn't want to get her hoped up so stopped thinking that. "I.... I'm.... I still love you Lisa. I never stopped" he confessed, still holding her hands. "You do? Well, why-" she was interrupted. "I had to accept it to myself first. Then, I didn't want you to think that I was using you or that I've been lying to you and I-I thought that you deserved better then... me" Shane explained, not seeing her smile. "That's so sweet of you" she said and leaned towards him. She kissed him as Shane went into shock until she pulled away. "You-You" he stuttered. "I never stopped loving you either" she said. "Really?" he asked. "Why is that is that so shocking?" Lisa asked, still smiling. "I thought... Well..." he never finshed the sentence, he knew that Lisa knew what he was going to say. "I can't hate you" she stated. "And I could never stop loving you either" she added. "Why do we sound so cheesy today?" Shane wondered out loud. "Well, you're always cheesy when there's no camera around" Lisa said. "I am?" he asked, the female just noded before going for another kiss.

OMG! This is sooo cute, yet SOOOO similar to what I wrote on my Secret Stathan story yesterday. Also, I know that Shane and Lisa probably still talk on a daily basis, It's a fanfiction. No matter how much I want this (and every chapter in my Stathan story) to be true, it sadly won't be... :( Anyways, B-Byyyyyeeee

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