Chapter Three:

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I was so ready for this weekend. My friend, the one who moved recently, was coming to town to pick me up and we were going to go to Myrtle Beach for a couple of days. It was a tradition we did every year and normally we just stayed for the day because it was so close but since we never see each other we decided to rent a place for three days and stay there. All alone so we would have total freedom.

“I can’t wait to come and see you Sky!” she said over the phone.

“I know this weekend will totally rock.” I said.

“Oh, I have to call my mom and dad three times a day while we’re down there.” She said.

Riley is the most non-rebel, goody-two-shoes girl there is and her parents still don’t trust her. Or maybe they don’t trust me to not corrupt their precious darling? Either way I was used to this kind of behavior.

“It’s cool Ry. It’s not like we’ll be doing anything major when we’re down there; just the usual playing on the beach, at night a bon fire or two, and maybe some movie marathons.” I said shrugging as I walked around my room packing.

“Well, I just hope my mom and dad don’t expect me to call while we’re on the beach because I refuse to take my phone with me.” She said.

“Well yeah, last time you did that it got water locked and you got grounded.” I said.

“Megan, honey, could you come here?” my mom called from the living room.

“Hey Riles I gotta go I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I said.

“Okay, remember I’m coming to get you at seven so we can be there at ten.” She said.

“Seven I got it. Bye.” I said.

I hung up and ran down the stairs that connected my room to the living room.

“Yeah mom?” I asked when I reached the bottom.

“As I understand Riley’s parents aren’t going to be there so I want you to call me every night before ten. That way I know you aren’t going and getting drunk.” She said.

“Mom I’ll be with Riley. She would die if she saw alcohol.” I said smiling.

“Still, I just want to be safe with you being 18 now.” She said.

“Alright mom.” I said.

“Finish packing and then you should go to sleep since you feel the need to sleep for twelve hours.” She said smirking.

The next morning I was up at six and I was out the door by seven after I hugged my mom and brother good-bye of course.

“What does this have to do with anything?” he asked.

“It’s my story and my life so I think it has everything to do with everything.” I said leaning back so the chair was only balancing on the back legs.

“This seems to be pointless.” He said.

I stayed quiet for a while trying to think of a comeback but none were coming to mind. I was never very good at that.

“Well I may think that some things that you find important aren’t. In fact maybe I think relaying the whole story to you in pointless.” I said crossing my arms.

“Okay okay, it’s your story tell it as you see fit.” He said holding both his hands up in surrender.

They need me to tell this story so bad, I thought smirking.

“Good.” I said.

When we got to the beach side house we ran inside leaving all our things in the truck. The place was huge. When you walked in there were elegant stairs and open doorways big enough they would hold three doors on either side. To the left was an all glass room with lounge chairs and benches that looked out over the ocean. To the right was a dining room and a doorway to the left. Through that doorway was a huge kitchen with granite counters and an island which I hugged. Upstairs were four rooms and Riley took the master suite while I took a room with a balcony that over looked the beach. The other rooms would be left empty. Then at the end of the hall with rooms there was an entertainment center. A medium sized room with a computer desk, a bar, and a flat screen TV with more channels than I had ever seen.

“Did I just die and go to heaven?” I asked Riley as we went outside to gather our things.

“That or I’m still asleep and having the best dream ever. All that’s missing is Justin Beiber.” She sighed.

“EW!” I said making a face that showed how truly disturbing that thought was.

“What?” she asked.

“Can I at least kill him?” I asked.

We broke into giggles she unable to keep a straight face at my mean humor and I unable to not laugh at her laugh.

There was a surprise waiting for us when we reached her truck though. There were two boys standing at the end of the driveway. They were staring at us and we stared back with confused expressions.

“I’ll go check it out.” Riley said jogging to the end of the driveway.

I shrugged and started grabbing our bags out of the truck bed.

I was on my second trip when Riley helped me carry the last of the bags in.

“So what did creepers want?” I asked.

“They’re throwing a party at their fancy smancy seaside condo.” She said.

“So did you want to go?” I asked.

“Megan you hate parties.” She said looking at me with confusion.

“Well it’s summer and after this weekend I’ll never see these people again anyway.” I said shrugging.

“Were either of the boys the ones who abducted you?” he asked.

“No. Besides they didn’t abduct me I went willingly.” I said.

“Well why didn’t you let anyone know you were leaving?” he asked.

“I’ll get there when I get there!” I said angrily.

“Alright, whenever you’re ready to continue Megan.” He said leaning back in his chair readying himself for a story he now knew would be longer than he had thought.

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